

Registered User
Hello All
I know I have possibly asked you all before about anti psychotic drugs. George was on Clopixol and I fought to get him taken off because over the course of a few weeks he changed from a very fit and robust man to a stooped and shuffling old man. I finally got him off the Clopixol, and was asked if I would allow them to try Risperidone low dose, which I agreed to and everything was fine, he started walking upright again and was very much like his old self, albeit slower. However, his aggression is still a problem in the CH. Not all the time but he does get frustrated and annoyed by some of the residents who make a noise or come right up to him. He is also a bit grumpy about personal care at times. Anyway, the consultant has increased his Risperidone to 500mcg am and 500mcg pm - double the dose. And guess what his posture is back to being very stooped and very noticeable dragging his feet especially his right. I have emailed the consultant, since this is the only way I can contact him !! This is only the third day of the double dose and already I see the side effects. Anyone got experience of this?
I think I really have to get it reduced again, I couldn't sleep last night for worrying, I nearly joined the Wide Awake Club !!
Take care,
Love Margaret xx


Registered User
Mar 26, 2011
Near Southampton
Margaret, I would certainly ask the consultant to reduce one of the doses, whichever would be better. Possibly the evening one as your husband will perhaps be tired then and sleep anyway. Or if agitated at night, then the morning one. Alternatively, of course, reduce both but not to as low as it was before - and then see how things are.

I'm in a similar positions regarding Dave's increase in pain relief and the addition of anti-anxiety drugs. It's a fine balance and things sometimes take some adjusting to get the doses right. Good luck with this.x

Canadian Joanne

Registered User
Apr 8, 2005
Toronto, Canada
I would ask for at least one of the doses to be reduced to start with. We had the same problems with my mother when she was physically violent and aggressive. Mum was very sensitive to the drugs and we had a lot of tweaking to do to get things balanced. Once they are balanced, do not expect them to stay there. I've found we have had to tweak every 6 to 8 months at the beginning. Now, years later, we're tweaking about once a year. As the disease progresses, so we have to adjust to it.


Registered User
Apr 8, 2012
Our Mum was on this at one time and she sounded like an alien when I spoke to her. They took her off of it and she returned to normality thank goodness. I have been told that they are now putting her back on it , but only when needed and not all of the time. I am watching points very carefully.

Personally I dont like the drug.

Let us know how you get on.
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Registered User
Hello All
I had a pretty bad day today, I intended to stay with George until supper time but he got very aggressive at tea time, so I slipped away, so that the carers could try to settle him (good luck to them) He is not walking very well, shuffling along and stooped and he is not so responsive as he was before the increased dose, I am going to demand that this is sorted out on Monday. I am far from happy.
I just phoned and was told he is wandering around, and found it difficult to eat his
tea !!! Not at all like him. I am so very worried, I can't wait till Monday comes.
I feel that I have taken a step back, I was just beginning to come to terms with him being in the CH as best I could, now this...where will it all end?
Love Margaret x


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
Oh Margaret as Saffie says isn't it typical that this should happen at a weekend. I do hope you can get this sorted out on Monday. x


Registered User
Jul 14, 2006
South Staffordshire
So sorry George is not himself today. We have, after several bad weeks found my husband in a much better place regarding his Alzheimer's. All our visits this week have been good. Yesterday he was a little sleepy and talked very quietly but no agitation.

Today our son was over and he went off to see his Dad on his own. Last Saturday was the first time in a long time he had been greeted by his Dad knowing he was his son. Today's visit though good was tinged by his Dad showing agitation and our son was very down when he came back.

It is such a roller coaster we ride. My husband's Risperidone has also been increased and we thought the change from agitation to calm was in response to the upping of the medication. I too have asked that if there is no great change in him then the dose gets lowered again.

If you are having thoughts about the medication mention it tomorrow and mention again on Monday if you have no feedback.

I am unsure as to how this warm muggy weather is affecting dementia patients. I know I am very lethargic and out of sorts. Bring on the thunder, bring on the rain and lets get it cleared a bit.

Chin up Margaret, thinking of you,

Jay xx


Registered User
Aug 30, 2012
Brixham Devon
I'm so sorry Margaret-especially as George seemed to be settled and you had almost come to terms with him being in a care home.

Roll on Monday so things can be sorted. Pete can also get agitated about personal care and can turn from being happy to aggressive at the drop of a hat. They are used to this at P's CH as it's, apparently. a common event as Dementia progresses.:(

Take care Margaret my Dear

I hope you have a better visit today-let us know how you get on if you can

Love from Lyn T


Registered User
Mar 26, 2011
Near Southampton
Likewise Lyn. Dave is seemingly often 'agitated' when receiving personal care. The carers call is 'agitated' but I think they are being kind and mean agggresive. The GP I spoke with last week said he is resistant to all forms of personal care - but when i checked with the carers they said, it wasn't always. I think it has a lot to do with pain and the fact that he can't tell them when something hurts so he shows them it does.


Registered User
Thank you all for your good wishes. I have just phoned the CH an apparently George was like a lamb last night and this morning, no problem with his personal care. Now I think I was over reacting as usual !!! He was very busy shifting furniture around when I phoned so he must be getting back to his old self. I will go in the evening, and they can give me a run down on how the day went.
You are all so kind to me, I want to cry, but I won't, well maybe I won't.
All my Love,
Margaret x


Registered User
Hello All
I had a lovely visit tonight, George is almost back to what he was like before the double dose of risperidone. He is walking a bit better and he has got that twinkle back in his eyes. I hope this continues, but who knows. we just have to take one day at a time. I dread what the consultant will think about me, when he reads my email telling him my observations on Friday and Saturday. If he contacts the CH tomorrow, they will have a different story, since he has improved today. I feel so happy for my lovely visit, but drained with the worry I have had over the past few days.
Never mind, tomorrow is another day and like all of you I will just have to take what comes.
Love to all,
Margaret x


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
I'm glad you had a lovely visit Margaret. This medication lark is a nightmare isn't it? xx


Registered User
I just got an email from the Consultant, he went up to see George yesterday, I am surprised, I didn't think he would take the time out of his busy clinic to visit. But he did, He did notice some of the things I was concerned about. He agreed he was slow, but did not show the parkinson's side effects which this drug can cause. He is going to leave him on the double dose meantime but with caution, so I will have to allow this just now but I will be keeping a very close eye on things.
I agree with you wholeheartedly Izzy this medication thing is a nightmare, I wonder what would happen if someone was to stop taking any of them? An interesting thought.
I have today stopped taking the anti depressants I was on, I think I have been on them long enough. It is just one pill after another we are prescribed, not funny.
Take care all,
Love Margaret x


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
That's good that the consultant went up to see George. I think that would make you feel better about discussing the medications.

I've been thinking a lot about Bill's meds this morning. I'll pop my thoughts on his thread in a minute.

I hope you do well having come off your own medication Margaret.

Take care, x