Reported to Social Services!


Registered User
Mar 2, 2013
South east
Haven't posted here for a while as we're on a fairly calm plateau at the moment.
I have 'carers' in night and morning to help get PJ dressed and undressed. It can be a bit of a struggle (hence my need for help) as he hates having his trousers taken off.
Some of the carers are brilliant, know just how to handle him and don't need any input from me. However, one regular carer seems to bring out the worst in him. Her attitude is 'I always win so you might as well give in now'. I always have to help her, usually by holding PJs hands while she gets on with changing him. A couple of times recently PJ has struggled quite violently. I've hung on to him to protect the carer. On the first occasion my specs got broken by an outflung arm. A few days ago, I pulled a muscle while hanging on to him and the incident got reported to the agency who in turn alerted social services.
Suddenly, I'm inundated by calls from various Social Services departments. The only contact we've had from them before was an initial visit to check on our finances after which they had nothing to offer as we're self funding. Now all this attention. Not help, note, just heaps of questions and lots of form filling.

PJ is a lamb most of the time, very smiley if all is calm around him. He just doesn't like having his trousers taken down.

What happens next?


Registered User
Aug 29, 2008
Sems to me they should be questioning the one carer if she is having this problem.

The problem is her not pj. I would hate for my husband to be "classified" as difficult when I know if I remain calm and ask permission etc he is fine.

Not sure what the forms are for, I would ask why they are needed. Tell the agency it is the one carer not your husband who is the cause


Registered User
Nov 17, 2011
I agree the questions should be for the carer and what her/his method is that gets pj so wound up.

She/he is obviously not trained in dealing with a person who has dementia. It is not an I win you loose situation as this is lost on the sufferer.

I would request that this particular carer is removed from pj's care immediately - somethimes it is not worth the hassle.

Best Wishes.

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