Rapid decline?

Purple rain 50

Registered User
Jan 29, 2023
So I know that there is no such thing as “normal” on this dementia journey but it feels like my mum has declined very quickly.

Six months ago, mum was living at home & functioning pretty well (cooking had gone a bit downhill) but was extremely anxious.

She came to stay with me “until she felt better” but then something happened that triggered a complete loss of memory.

We’ve going through the testing process & hopefully have a PET scan on Wednesday (if I can get her through it) & feel like we’re getting closer to a diagnosis (CT scans & neck vein scan all clear!)

In six months, she’s gone from a functioning person to someone who just sits in chair, doing her colouring, no concept of time, no memory of what we did 10 mins ago, eating & drinking only what’s given to her (still managing basic personal care).

Had anyone else experienced this rapid downturn? Is it “normal”?

Many thanks in advance x


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
As you say @Purple rain 50 there is nothing ‘normal’ about this journey. Some people do decline quickly whilst others continue to function well for many years but most are somewhere in the middle.
I am wondering though if your mum was maybe not functioning as well at home as you thought or she told you.
It must be so hard to watch such a rapid decline and I hope that the PET scan can provide some answers.


Registered User
Jan 10, 2023
Hi @Purple rain 50
I've heard - but have no experience of - vascular dementia can be very "aggressive" in its progress. Or maybe some other explanation - stroke, etc.
Hopefully the scan results will help,
Best wishes to you both

Purple rain 50

Registered User
Jan 29, 2023
Thanks all!
I think she was struggling for a while - have found lots of notes & lists around the house since! She had all the memory tests done 12 months ago too but they came back as “no dementia”

I’ve been convinced that it was some kind of “vascular event” but couldn’t really get anyone medical to agree with me.
She had an MRI last week so hopefully that & the PET scan will give us some answers!

Will keep riding the daily rollercoaster until then (& beyond obviously 🤪) x


Registered User
Feb 18, 2017
12 months ago “no dementia” doesn’t mean she didn’t have some mild cognitive impairment and that can lead to dementia easily in that time frame. If they do find evidence of vascular dementia then yes it can go in very steep steps down before there is a plateau stage and then another sharp decline. Hopefully all the tests will give you the answers and possible treatment plans you need . You and your mum are doing all the right things by getting her seen and tests being done.

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