Random noises and movements


Registered User
Oct 19, 2023
My dad has started making fists in the air and growling at absolutely nothing, or making his fingers sign like he is pointing a gun and making shooting noises into thin air. Him and my mum have a cat and when the cat is nearby he punches his fist into his hand towards the cat.
He looks angry, growling and making noises as he does it. Anyone else experience anything like this? Is there anything I should be doing?


Registered User
Oct 13, 2023
Hello @smithdee , that must be a very disconcerting and unsettling development for you and your mum (and the cat!). He sounds like he is hallucinating. Is he on medication? I would consider speaking to his GP about this.


Registered User
Nov 22, 2023
Oh @smithdee
Im sorry to hear of your dad's growly and unidentifiable noises. He may appear to be aggressive with those actions, but I wonder if he really is? As deecee7 says, perhaps it's hallucination.
My daughter has similar traits. She growls and waves her head,and body sometimes, loudly whispering angry noises. She, disconcertingly, with a mouthful of food, will look upwards for what seems an age, before mouthing unintelligible words. I feel so much for your dad, my lovely lassie,and anybody else who does these type of things. It's also extraordinarily difficult to watch, for me and I'm sure you too. Im going to speak to her GP as deecee7 is suggesting, Ill watch and see how things progress for you as well. Warriors we.🤔


Registered User
Oct 19, 2023
Hello @smithdee , that must be a very disconcerting and unsettling development for you and your mum (and the cat!). He sounds like he is hallucinating. Is he on medication? I would consider speaking to his GP about this.
Hi @DeeCee7 - he is on mamentine but that's all. I'll maybe give the GP a call, thank you.