Quick question


New member
Feb 9, 2024
I often find my husband, who has early stage alzheimers, having a conversation with himself when no one is around. Has anyone else noticed this about the person they are caring for. When i ask him who he is talking to, he replies myself.


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
I have not come across this @Sandlee although my husband does talk to himself and others in his sleep. As long as your husband is not too distressed I don't think that it is anything to worry about.


Registered User
Aug 1, 2014
Victoria, Australia
I think he might be verbalising what is going on inside his head. We all have thoughts that come and go, thinking about tasks we have to do, things that are causing concern and indeed memories.
I wouldn’t be too worried about it.


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
Hi at @Sandlee , yes, my OH talked to himself. It was one of the very early things I noticed. Now he talks to himself in the mirror but does not know it's himself. He smiles,nods and thumbs up at the old man he sees . He thinks he's much younger and does not really know who I am.

Sad ,but it's as it is
All the best to you on this journey x


New member
Feb 9, 2024
I have not come across this @Sandlee although my husband does talk to himself and others in his sleep. As long as your husband is not too distressed I don't think that it is anything to worry abou
I think he might be verbalising what is going on inside his head. We all have thoughts that come and go, thinking about tasks we have to do, things that are causing concern and indeed memories.
I wouldn’t be too worried about it.
i am sure this is what it is but sound weird. Thanks


Registered User
Apr 22, 2022
I`m always talking to myself. I`m the only one in our house who can give me a sensible answer!


Registered User
Jan 29, 2023
My husband talks to himself so I shouldn't worry. I have always assumed he is trying to get the thoughts in his head to make some sense to him. He will also talk through a car journey non stop, usually trying to give directions or criticise other drivers. Not sure how he can keep it up non stop when some journeys can be an hour long. I just have to switch off.

Simon Penn

Registered User
Jul 22, 2023
My wife, with early stage Alzheimer's, has often in recent years had a habit of mumbling to herself, but this has become more pronounced over time. She has a very slow-developing form of dementia it seems (first noticed memory lapses 9 years ago but only now has very little short-term memory). If you find it annoying, try to tune it out - and don't respond. My wife is clear that she's not expecting a reply. Though when she mumbles about something she's reading in the paper it can get frustrating!


Registered User
Jun 26, 2023
Hi at @Sandlee , yes, my OH talked to himself. It was one of the very early things I noticed. Now he talks to himself in the mirror but does not know it's himself. He smiles,nods and thumbs up at the old man he sees . He thinks he's much younger and does not really know who I am.

Sad ,but it's as it is
All the best to you on this journey x
My husband does exactly this including the thumbs up. Sadly he also shouts and swears and tells whoever he is talking to to kill him. I’ve been told to take mirrors down and I have with some so not as bad.


Registered User
Jun 22, 2023
I often find my husband, who has early stage alzheimers, having a conversation with himself when no one is around. Has anyone else noticed this about the person they are caring for. When i ask him who he is talking to, he replies myself.
Mine doesnt talk out loud to himself, but often mutters under his breath. It gives me a window into the things that are distressing him.

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