Private assessment?


New member
Dec 3, 2023
Hello. I am new here and my husbands memory has become much worse recently. He wouldn't acknowledge it initially but has done recently. I would like him to be assessed at a memory clinic but our GP surgery has become very reluctant to make referrals which will cost them money. If that is the case, can an assessment be done privately, as delays re other health issues have been very damaging. I am a huge supporter of the NHS, but know it is in real difficulty due to lack of funding.


New member
Dec 6, 2023
I am too new to post the exact link but you could have a look at Psychiatry UK online.

(We have used them for a different condition and in fact have not paid as the NHS commissioned them under the Right to Choose scheme)

Please don't let your fears and past experiences put you off consulting the GP though and finding out the situation in your area.


New member
Dec 3, 2023
How does a surgery making a referral cost them money?
I guess it's not the referral itself, but the costs of treatment? Which can be considerable of course. I have now Googled private memory clinics a d seen that an assessment can cost 2.5 thousand pounds. Much of that will be profit of course!


New member
Dec 3, 2023
I am too new to post the exact link but you could have a look at Psychiatry UK online.

(We have used them for a different condition and in fact have not paid as the NHS commissioned them under the Right to Choose scheme)

Please don't let your fears and past experiences put you off consulting the GP though and finding out the situation in your area.
Thank you, I won't!


New member
Dec 3, 2023
I am too new to post the exact link but you could have a look at Psychiatry UK online.

(We have used them for a different condition and in fact have not paid as the NHS commissioned them under the Right to Choose scheme)

Please don't let your fears and past experiences put you off consulting the GP though and finding out the situation in your area.

Thank you so much.


Registered User
Jan 23, 2019
High Peak
I guess it's not the referral itself, but the costs of treatment? Which can be considerable of course. I have now Googled private memory clinics a d seen that an assessment can cost 2.5 thousand pounds. Much of that will be profit of course!
For most types of dementia there is no treatment unfortunately.

Do you mean the cost of care? That falls to the person with dementia if they have over £23,500 in savings and below that Social Services will subsidise. It's nothing to do with the NHS. (Unless CHC is awarded which wouldn't apply to your husband at this point.)

I'm not sure there would be any advantage in a private assessment (how much??!!!) as post-diagnosis you'd be referred back to the GP anyway.