Personal Alarms


New member
Mar 29, 2024
My father, can't really do much for himself without prompting, so we provide care for him daily but do need to leave him for a few hours on his own each day and at night (so far). I was thinking of a pendant or wrist personal alarm to detect any falls but i get the feeling he would likely take it off or forget to put it on - rendering it useless. I know he would not remember that he could push the alarm button if he needed urgent help or might push it willy nilly perhaps forgetting what it is for.. Any advice?


Registered User
Jun 18, 2022
We found that mum didn’t take it off as she forgot it was there.
You can pay for a dearer set up which registers falls.
We did try one upgrade which was supposed to cover into the garden etc but it didn’t work.
Mum has needed to press her alarm several times so we are glad we bought it.