Patsy and I (Warts and All).


Registered User
Dec 27, 2022
Oooh I’m so naughty Colin I want to encourage you to take illegal photos 🤣🤣 we’ve always taken them in hospital!

anyway who is having the best time - you or Patsy?

Get well soon!
Up and down day yesterday (Sunday), I got a call in the morning at 08:00 from the care home to tell me that Patsy had a fall at about 2:0am, thankfully no damage to herself.
After I had a 😢, I called a friend and they went up early afternoon to check her out, phoned me whilst they were there to say all ok, I then had a chat with Patsy, she was it fine form laughing and said she was happy and no recollection of the incident.
At visiting time here my eldest daughter made a surprise visit, Happy Days!
More about yesterday later on.

I will NOT stop taking photos (naughty me)



Registered User
Dec 27, 2022
IVy and I are iseperable.

Colin & IVy (temporarily intertwined)


Registered User
Dec 27, 2022
So why am I here awaiting surgery?

Back in post #32 I mentioned that in 1998 I underwent an Aortic Valve replacement.
As a result of that surgery I was placed on an anticoagulant called Warfarin which prevents ones blood clotting easily.

I now need an op to remove some severe nasal polyps but it entails that firstly the warfarin needs to be stopped and replaced by Heparin,
delivered IV by syringe driver continuously over five days before the procedure, plus two to three days post operative to return to warfarin at my therapeutic level. Then freedom YEAH.

Hence I had to pop Patsy into a care environment.

Our dementia coordinator visited Patsy yesterday (Monday 22nd) and then called me to say 'Patsy was fine, being well looked after and enjoying her holiday'. So peace of mind for me.

Operation confirmed for today at 14:00 by the ward Sister I am having a little bit of breakfast shortly, then Nil by Mouth from 08:00.

I will report back this evening.

Always in Love.



Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
I hope the operation goes well @coalpatben. It’s food that your dementia coordinator is keeping in touch and that Patsy is settled.

I had nasal polyps removed around 10 years ago. Not the same issues as you as I did not have the warfarin issue. I am so glad I had them removed. I resisted the operation for years (cowardice!) but eventually I had no option. I wised I’d had it done years before! I hope all goes well for you later today. Look after yourself in the days and weeks following the operation.


Registered User
Aug 11, 2021
@colpatben , hope all goes well. Both you and Patsy seem to be in good spirits despite your very different circumstances. Her acceptance of the care home bodes well if needed more permanently.


Registered User
Dec 27, 2022
When my time came to go to theatre I was a little uncertain as to if I had made the wrong decision! Long time for anaesthetic to kick in maybe I was fighting it.

Waking in the Recovery Room was the most odd experience, as I hadn't got my hearing aids nor my teeth in (You all now know together with my Prosthetic Heart valve I am not all there as nature had intended)

Back on the ward all seemed well and I posted a positive message to friends and family (well one daughter) along the lines of) 'All went well expecting a speedy discharge

I then was asked if I wanted to stand I said 'Yes and could I also use the toilet' Show some bravado methinks.

Well it all went the proverbial T*** *p'

Got to the toilet and a full on Claret coloured Niagara Falls from my nose.

I'll leave you hanging there as it is ward rounds as the breakfast round is starting.

Always in love



Registered User
Jul 17, 2017
I’ve really enjoyed following your story. So best of luck for a speedy recovery. I’m sure after all Patsy’s adventures she will take being in a new environment in her stride. So concentrate on getting yourself better.


Registered User
Dec 27, 2022
So there I am standing in the toilet just letting the Drain take the Strain the nurse standing beside me and telling me to squeeze hard on the fleshy part of the just operated on nose 😳.

Back to bed and the on call ENT doctor summoned, a little bit of repair work begins, using what was described to me as 'Cylindrical and highly absorbent like a tampon and inflatable to dam up the flow.
Into my left nostril two of them go and inflated using a syringe to fit the cavity, that makes my eyes water. Into the right nostril another two and more eye watering inflation. But the flow stops .
Add a nasal absorbent sling which tops off rather jaunty and over extended Poirot moustache in two tone claret and white.

If you are at all Squamish DO NOT OPEN the attached photo.

As it is normal clinical practice not to remove these for 48 to 72 hours gosh knows what state I will be in by Saturday

Supper has arrived so sign off now.

Colin & IVy.


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Registered User
Oct 12, 2022
Great reportage, Colin! Just reading that has made my eyes water, never mind yours! 😕
Reminds me of the mega nosebleeds I used to have at school - I'd never have believed the nose could produce so much blood.


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
because its the head, always bleeds like mad, so many tiny blood vessels to burst. must have been very painful having the plugs put in. dont envy you.


Registered User
Dec 27, 2022
On Wednesday morning of the first day post surgery as dawn breaks I am seeing patterns on blank walls such as tiny stars and starbursts then they start to rotate around the ward, then double vision! At this juncture Google is NOT my friend, what does it say 'A possible symptom of detached retina.' Aarrgh 🤔.
I report it to the ENT surgical team when they visit me on their rounds.
This is now playing on my mind all afternoon and with all that's going on I have a full blown panic attack.
Over breathing I blow out one of the nostril packings.

On call ENT doc come straight up as they have just come on shift and repacks nasal cavity as before inflates a little bit firmer but stops the flow. Bearing in mind that I need to not be bleeding before we take the next step.
Anyway they got me into the Opthalmology dept this afternoon and prognosis is a side side effect of anaesthetic, all symptoms disappeared by this evening.
If there is a plus side then it is that I spoke to Patsy this morning, she is happy in Respite, so I can concentrate on ME.

Colin and IVy.


Registered User
Jan 14, 2024
So pleased Patsy is happy and yes , just concentrate on YOU and your recovery.


Registered User
Dec 27, 2022
What a roller coaster weekend.
The Heparin that I am currently prescribed, although it controls clotting:
Good for my heart valve,
Also promotes bleeding at certain levels:
Not good for wound sites that need to heal!

Following the Nasal pack blowout' of #93 and repacking. The cannula feeding the Heparin in to my left arm needs to be removed/replaced!
Put the new one in the back of my left hand. And then pull out the old from my left forearm position as in post#83

Once the cannula is withdrawn the tiny hole left produces a wonderfully strong flow of my best Claret all over the bedclothes and more.

The right arm is now needed to supply six hourerly samples for the checking off all of my changing needs for various chemical corrections of my body chemistry.

Needless to say the veins decide to stop delivering the required volume needed, (three vials for Full Blood Count) and generally the only source that nurses are trained to do.

Call the duty doctor to go deeper for blood from and artery in the back of my right hand. No luck.

Call the anaesthetist team from the operating theatre suite 'cos they do this all the time.
The team arrive and after some introduction and general niceties, one clamps my right forearm and the other plunges a short needle into the edge of my forearm and draws off what quantity is needed, perfect!

Back to you later, this ward is waking up now.

Colin & IVy
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Registered User
Dec 27, 2022
With no easily available access to my blood for regular six hourly tests, a broad approach is to push antibiotics, discuss blood transfusion or ultimately a permanent installed PICC line. Overkill or what?

Held fire on any additional intervention and suddenly on early Saturday morning one of the ward sisters found an accessible full up vein.

Lab results showed 'in range' a big step foreward. Second test mid morning showed continued but small improvement so the tampons came out to see if all wounds had started healing.

Melanie visited again, so huggs all round. Then the doc arrives to pop in some dissolvable plugs that will further promote healing.

I started on the Warfarin and off the Heparin should be plain sailing.

Off to bed, evening samples to the lab. I am on the home straight.

Dinner has arrived and I will try to finish Sun/Mon before the end of this evening.



Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
With no easily available access to my blood for regular six hourly tests, a broad approach is to push antibiotics, discuss blood transfusion or ultimately a permanent installed PICC line. Overkill or what?

Held fire on any additional intervention and suddenly on early Saturday morning one of the ward sisters found an accessible full up vein.

Lab results showed 'in range' a big step foreward. Second test mid morning showed continued but small improvement so the tampons came out to see if all wounds had started healing.

Melanie visited again, so huggs all round. Then the doc arrives to pop in some dissolvable plugs that will further promote healing.

I started on the Warfarin and off the Heparin should be plain sailing.

Off to bed, evening samples to the lab. I am on the home straight.

Dinner has arrived and I will try to finish Sun/Mon before the end of this evening.

looks like you are on the way home keeping this up.


Registered User
Dec 27, 2022
looks like you are on the way home keeping this up.
Not in the least bit your fault @jennifer1967 but 'Famous last words' springs to mind.

I always remember int' old days my aunt using the term 'Fever Blanket' whenever she saw a red blanket on a hospital bed.

So by Wednesday I am improving, slowly but surely towards my normal INR level. Then I sat up suddenly and proceeded to 'paint' my blanket vivid red! A major nose bleed, almost instantly takes me back to square one.
New packing up right nostril restart the damn Heparin and around we go again.
I was a very sad Colin for a couple of days.

Here we are on Sunday and at an INR of 1.8 and on the cusp of freedom.

On a plus note Patsy is settled and well looked after in Respite Care and they can accommodate her for a further week if needs be.

Always in Love.



Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
Oh dear Colin, so sorry to hear about your setback, fingers crossed for freedom. So good that Patsy is so settled as it is one less thing for you to worry about.


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Oh Colin it’s been a bit of a long innings for you. No debate over who is having more fun between Patsy and you! I look forward to hearing about her adventures in respite when you’re reunited.

Hoping freedom for you soon!

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