Pat on the back for the Memory Clinic


Registered User
Aug 22, 2022
Hello all,

My O.H had his annual review at our memory clinic ( yes, they do annual checks!) and before we went I wrote a letter saying how concerned I was, he’s getting more aggressive.
The nurse was very easy to talk to and when my O.H went to the toilet, she took the opportunity for a chat….just the two of us.
Two days later she phoned and said the doctor would like to change his medication but could we supply a daily BP check for 2 weeks before commencement.
This morning I took the BP record, along with another letter as it’s been a tough week. We haven’t had a proper sleep for 3 nights out of 4 and he is becoming more abusive. He is very suspicious of any phone calls I take so in my letter I asked her to email me.
Two hours later, she emailed me, so supportive, giving me phone numbers, asking me if I needed her to contact the safeguarding team etc.
You hear negative comments ( have made plenty in the past! ) about memory clinics etc., but I just thought I ‘d give a thumbs up on this occasion


Volunteer Host
Apr 13, 2018
That's good @Skylark/2, I'm so glad they are being supportive. I would avail yourself of all the help you can get. I would let her contact the safeguarding team, for instance.