
Registered User
Apr 5, 2024
Saying Hello, my name is Lynne and wanted to mention how my husband goes up and down our stairs many times a day and always takes two pairs of glasses and his mobile with him, he often forgets to bring them back down and therefore has to go back up to get them. Says he knows where everything is in his bedroom but can never find anything, He won’t keep his toothbrush or toothpaste in the bathroom and keeps them in a box on the floor. Some days they go missing so it’s a job I’m now getting used to, hunt the tooth brush. Usually find it somewhere hidden but he has no recollection where . Says I have moved it.


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
Buy him a man bag for all his stuff, sorry if that sounds flippant but my wife never went anywhere without a handbag, men just get pockets not quite the same.
Quite a serious suggestion, I have one, started it years ago before my wife passed away, spare phone and glasses, some cash, pretty much as you describe, if I have to leave the house in a hurry it's all there, cigarettes and lighter too.
Still have it now for when my neighbour knock on the window and holds up five fingers, means work, usually just quotes but in the van in 5 minutes and off we go, gloves, hat and bag on out of here. I was born ready as they say. K


Registered User
Apr 5, 2024
Hi, yes sounds a good idea to put everything in a bag but today he was filling a bag with all sorts and put it by the side of his chair. There were two pairs of small binoculars and an old camera with some paperwork , not really any room for his glasses or phone. As usual the glasses went missing again, a daily occurrence now , found them in a plastic container which he swears he didn’t put there.


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
Hi, yes sounds a good idea to put everything in a bag but today he was filling a bag with all sorts and put it by the side of his chair. There were two pairs of small binoculars and an old camera with some paperwork , not really any room for his glasses or phone. As usual the glasses went missing again, a daily occurrence now , found them in a plastic container which he swears he didn’t put there.
Just so much love that, you can never have too many pairs of binocculars carry on posting, makes my day. K


Registered User
Dec 23, 2022
Hi, yes sounds a good idea to put everything in a bag but today he was filling a bag with all sorts and put it by the side of his chair. There were two pairs of small binoculars and an old camera with some paperwork , not really any room for his glasses or phone. As usual the glasses went missing again, a daily occurrence now , found them in a plastic container which he swears he didn’t put there.
Hi Postmill-my husband is continually filling large bags with magazines, pants, old photos etc. He says he's 'taking them with him' but doesn't say where. I think he is confused about where he lives as he sometimes says he's 'going home'. We have also lost many items in this way-there is a bear trimmer packed away in a bag somewhere. It's very frustrating but sad also...


Registered User
Apr 5, 2024
Hi, it does seem common then for this behaviour. Most of some days is spent sorting stuff out , doesn’t want me getting in the way so I leave him to it. Have to check bins also as confidential paperwork has to be shredded but I find some stuffed down the toilet which I have to deal with. Also have found some lovely old photos torn up as he doesn’t recognise himself in them. I find myself having to check his room for anything important being thrown out quite often. Still convinced there is another level to our house where he thinks more of his stuff is,, gets so anxious when he can’t get there, thinks I’m lying! As his mobility is so bad I’m trying to get him to use a walking frame but still refuses, can’t co ordinate sticks so I will persevere with getting to mobility shop nearby and hope I can persuade him. He’s never questioned why he can’t get his words out or remember some things, he’s been told he has ftd but it just doesn’t register, he really thinks he’s fine. I don’t think he needs to know as he wouldn’t get it anyway. Oh well it’s Monday morning so let’s see what today brings.