Obtaining A Certified Copy Of A POA Document.


Registered User
Jan 6, 2020
I have POA for both my parents along with my husband. They didn’t give us a certified copy of the POA document when it was drawn up and my Mum threw away their own copy in a pique of dementia rage. They also didn’t register the POA with their bank or any other institution. I know their solicitor holds the original document. How straightforward is it to obtain a certified copy?. I assume I’d have to show my passport to the solicitor as proof of identify which will mean another long trip to where my parents live. My mother is not in a position to sign anything as she has advanced dementia. My father doesn’t have any kind of cognitive impairment but needs help managing his bank account. Although I’ve struggled in the past with the enormity of having POA I’m more or less resigned to it as I feel rescinding it will cause even more stress.


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
For a fee the OOG will provide an office copy if you claim original has been lost and you haven't got a certified copy.
I had office copies when they were free, there were not signed but perforated 'validated' , some places needed convincing they were valid.
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Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Yes we got an office copy from the OPG as one page got lost. I think it was around £80 and came in a couple of weeks


Registered User
Aug 30, 2013
I have POA for both my parents along with my husband. They didn’t give us a certified copy of the POA document when it was drawn up and my Mum threw away their own copy in a pique of dementia rage. They also didn’t register the POA with their bank or any other institution. I know their solicitor holds the original document. How straightforward is it to obtain a certified copy?. I assume I’d have to show my passport to the solicitor as proof of identify which will mean another long trip to where my parents live. My mother is not in a position to sign anything as she has advanced dementia. My father doesn’t have any kind of cognitive impairment but needs help managing his bank account. Although I’ve struggled in the past with the enormity of having POA I’m more or less resigned to it as I feel rescinding it will cause even more stress.
Phone the solicitors first to ensure they do actually hold the original, and can supply a Certified copy.
Find out just what ID they require from you when you collect. Don't trust the post!


Jay M

Registered User
Jan 22, 2022
The original of my mother's LPA is with her solicitor. As an attorney, I asked them to provide me with certified copies. These were £10 per copy, and I had to pick them up in person and show a photo ID (passport or driving licence). My mother subsequently got a letter notifying her that I had had certified copies made.

Be careful to check that the copies are correct and complete when you pick them up, i.e. all pages musts be there and each one signed and dated. Mine unfortunately had a mistake in the date (resulting in the copies preceding the original), luckily we noticed it and were able to have them immediately redone.

Were the LPAs registered after 17 July 2020? If so, I think most banks will accept the access code instead of certified copies, and if you're lucky the entire process will be online (might depend on the bank).


Registered User
Jan 6, 2020
The original of my mother's LPA is with her solicitor. As an attorney, I asked them to provide me with certified copies. These were £10 per copy, and I had to pick them up in person and show a photo ID (passport or driving licence). My mother subsequently got a letter notifying her that I had had certified copies made.

Be careful to check that the copies are correct and complete when you pick them up, i.e. all pages musts be there and each one signed and dated. Mine unfortunately had a mistake in the date (resulting in the copies preceding the original), luckily we noticed it and were able to have them immediately redone.

Were the LPAs registered after 17 July 2020? If so, I think most banks will accept the access code instead of certified copies, and if you're lucky the entire process will be online (might depend on the bank).
Thank you for your helpful reply. Unfortunately the LPAs were registered in 2019. It would be so much better if everything was online as it would save me a time consuming journey and overtime at work to pay the fuel costs. I suspected I’d have to collect the documents in person. I just wish my father had made an attempt to secure important documents when my mother started throwing everything away as I can only imagine the potential problems this will cause me in the future.


Registered User
Dec 26, 2021
Make sure you get a few certified copies of the LPA You probably will need more then one going forward so best to get three or four just in case, especially if it’s a long journey to your parents solicitors. As others have said they usually charge £10 per copy.
It’s down to you as the attorney to register it at the bank etc if you feel now is the time they need help.
Good luck with it all


Registered User
Aug 13, 2020
When I picked up the certified copies from the solicitor for Mum, I went there in person. But with my Dad, they've just sent them to me in the post. It's not like you're not named on the documents.


Registered User
Jan 6, 2020
Thank you very much to everyone who replied to my post. I’m really grateful and it’s a relief that obtaining a certified copy of the LPA isn’t costly.