now computer confusion


Registered User
Sep 11, 2013
Carmarthen, Wales
Hi i have been using this site a few times and its a life line. now i am having difficulty with my password and finding my way round the site, everything i try to do on here is really difficult for me. it has took me from yesterday morning to get back on because i forgot my password which i did know really well, then when the instructions were sent i found it hard to understand. i am dreading the day i cant get on.


Staff Member
Apr 7, 2011
Hello avril,

I'm sorry to hear that you've been having difficulties using Talking Point but pleased to see you're logged on and posting now. :)

The password reset tool is automatic, so it does generate a long string of characters to type in. We're looking into changing this to something better.

If you, or any other member, have problems logging in or using Talking Point please do contact me by emailing

I can do things like:
- reset your password and helping you to log back in
- give tips on how to start a discussion thread
- change your username if you have privacy concerns (i.e. your username is your real name)

Hope this helps. I've moved this discussion to our 'Welcome and how to use Talking Point' forum. You'll find other discussions in there that may be helpful.

Thanks :)