not coping

john underhill

New member
Mar 12, 2024
hi i have a partner with vascular dementia she is in hospital at the moment i have just came out of hospital my self i am finding it difficult to cope with it


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
Hello and welcome, I could have and have written what you said myself, by the time I came out of hospital my wife had passed away.
Hard living with a person with AZ, equally hard moving on and loving alone, her going first was never on my radar, caring for her was hard, caring for just me is harder somehow, keeping busy is what keeps me going. K


Volunteer Host
Aug 2, 2022
South West UK
Hello and welcome from me also @john underhill to this friendly and supportive forum. There is a wealth of shared experience of dementia to be found here, so I am glad you have found us..
I am sorry to read about your partner and that she is currently hospitalised. It is so tough caring for a loved one with dementia, particularly if you have just come out of hospital yourself.
If you are able to say what particularly you are finding difficult to cope with, then members will perhaps find it easier to suggest strategies to help.
That is the great thing about this forum - members here really do want to help, and understand all the challenges and complexities there are. Do stay with us.