Newish member.


Registered User
Dec 12, 2011
Hello all, đź‘‹
I’m back using this site after an absence of 7years. I found the Alzheimer’s website & this forum incredibly informative & reassuring whilst my Mother was alive.
I have recently had a CT scan which revealed Hippocampus atrophy. I’m now awaiting assessment from the memory clinic.
Dementia is genetic in the female side of my family. My mother & 4 of her sisters had mixed dementia. My sister has Mild Cognitive Impairment. So, I’m here again!


Volunteer Host
Mar 25, 2016
Hello @rachaeldyke đź‘‹ Sorry that you have found yourself back here in such circumstances but I hope that you will find the forum as informative & reassuring as it was when you were last here. This is such a supportive place, with a wealth of shared experience, and people who are are happy to help when they can, so please keep posting. It seems that there are currently quite lengthy waits for assessment by the memory clinic, although this can vary from area to area, but I hope that you don't have to wait too long.