New member - worried about my husband


Registered User
Mar 24, 2016
West Sussex
Hello Mary.

My husband was diagnosed with Dementia 12 years ago, although he started getting forgetful at home and at work, 3/4 years before. Like a lot of people, he was adamant there was nothing wrong with him. Doctors then put him on Aricept. A couple of years ago they added Memetine to his meds. There were times when, what a lots of us here on TP call, 'Mr Grumpy', appeared. Not aggressive, but, arguing. I learnt that on these occasions, to casually change the discussion to something else. These events gradually subsided and stopped. He even joked saying his memory was getting really bad, and laughed.

The only time I have know him to be aggressive, was in 2012 when he was in hospital with a UTI. I blamed the hospital for that. The nurses had no experience of 'D' patients. They were shouting at him and pulling him about, was impatient with him, amongst a lot of other things. Once home, he became, and still is, his normal loving, happy, cheerful self.

With his new meds now, hopefully your hubby will settle.

Welcome to TP. M xxx :)

Thank you so much for replying I really appreciate it.

It is good to know how well your husband has responded to the tablets and that he is still doing well although that incident in hospital sounds awful. I think I would have been more than aggressive. So glad things have settled down and he is doing well.

I am still awaiting for hubby to have his CT scan - he hasn't even had the appointment yet - and then he will be seen by the consultant and we will take it from there. Fortunately the GP started him on anti-depressants and that has definitely helped to even things out a bit and make him a bit calmer. The memory issues are still a big problem though but I try to keep things calm at home and hopefully that helps although it can be hard at times. He has been struggling with very vivid dreams/nightmares as well which gets him down and he is so tired during the day but that has been a problem for some time. He also struggles with balance issues when standing. Hopefully all these things will be covered when he sees the consultant.

Thank you again for replying :)

Mary x