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Saul Fran

Registered User
May 18, 2014
Hi all I am another newbie my father has dementia I've not seen him for quite a few years he was taken into a care home recently, I decided to put the past I the past and go visit him with my sister who has been with him from the start. Now I've never come across anyone with dementia before and to say it came as a shock is a understatement I have joined here in hope I can find out as much as I can about it and ways of helping my father as best we can. Thank you all in advance for any help you may be able to give



Registered User
Oct 28, 2013
Hello saull Fran welcome to TP you will get lots of help and advice from this forum, l am so pleased your are seeing your father again we only get one, your sister needs your support, l don't know how advanced your father is with dementia, just ask any question and someone will be here for you. Take care pamann

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Registered User
May 16, 2012
Hi Saul,
I can understand it is a shock . I went back after 3 years because both my parents were ill and wanted to help . What a shock to find my mum had gone to the dreaded Dementia and my dad to a brain tumour . You do what you can and care because you care ,what ever the past . Be warned it is a long and emotional journey but you are there because you choose to be there . I wish you all the best x


Registered User
Jul 14, 2006
South Staffordshire
Hi Saul and welcome to the forum. So glad you are seeing your Father again. If he is now in care then he is being looked after and getting the care he needs. You can help by visiting and if it is still possible taking him out for a while. Just sitting with him would be good and of course helping your sister too. You both have to see your Dad progressing with this dreadful disease and you need to support each other.

As others have said there is a wealth of knowledge, support and understanding on this forum so when you have a question just ask.



Registered User
Nov 9, 2009
Hello Saul, and a warm welcome to you:) you will find so much support and understanding here as well as empathy and even smiles:) so ask anything at any time, usually someone is around - day or night.
Take care, best wishes
Chris x