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New member
Jun 15, 2024
Hi, two weeks ago I had to move my father from assisted (loosely used term) living to their Memory Care floor. He has some dementia, but not to the extent of the other residents, far from it. It's breaking my heart, they told me I had to move him because he walked out of the building, he had just had surgery with general anesthesia, I (vocal cord, otherwise extremely healthy) so I'm told that was still in his system. (this was less then 24 hrs after) And it was a time when corporate members were visiting facility and happen to have seen him in a confused state! Anyway, Memory Care is where he is now. I have so many thoughts and questions, but one I need help with now, is- is it required to lock up his electric razor?? He is very capable of grooming himself, showers regularly, shaves daily, dresses nicely- (like I said I believe it to be a little early for this move, but trying to deal with it) He's quite an easy going guy, no aggression and they are able to redirect him if it's a 'confused' sort of day. Mom lives downstairs and visits often and they can dine together. But this razor thing has got me! (because he won't ask for it, I'm sure, it's just habit when its on the counter, he shaves) (we are in PA, in case varies state to state). Thank you


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
Well, hello and welcome from me, can I take it you're posting from the USA? Not an issue it just might vary the advise you are given. K


Volunteer Host
Apr 13, 2018
Welcome to Dementia Support Forum @JeannieF . This is a very friendly and supportive place so I'm glad you've found us.
I'm in the UK and here I'd be talking to the manager about next steps. For instance could he return to assisted living if his confusion lessened, could he have access to his electric razor, and anything else that concerned you.
I'm sure others will be along with their suggestions very shortly.


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
Welcome from me too @JeannieF.

I’m glad you’ve found this forum. It doesn’t matter if you’re in USA. You’ll find support and understanding here.

I agree that the best thing to do is to talk to the manager of the facility and see what can be worked out.