New here hello


New member
May 15, 2024
Hi . My sister scored 53 on the ace memory test today and she's going for a ct scan and referred to a specialist as dementia diagnosis is being suggested. How long can we expect to wait. We're in South Wales and my sister is 59. Things started to change about 3 yrs ago


Volunteer Host
Mar 25, 2016
Hi @karen60 and welcome from me too. Sorry to hear about your sister, and at such a young age too, but you will find support and understanding here. It does tend to take quite some time to get a diagnosis, and waiting times can vary depending on location. I don't know about average wait times in South Wales but other members here may be able to advise, and your sister's GP should also be give an idea of waiting times in her area. It's understandably going to be an anxious time for you and your sister but there is a lot of shared experience and knowledge here so any questions just ask, there's always someone here to listen.