New Diagnosis of Frontotemporal dementia


New member
Aug 19, 2020
Morning all

My names Sean and i am 58, married with 3 boys, 4 grandkids, of which one lives with us on a Special guardian order, 1 dog Luna plus a few rescue cats which includes a young stray mum and her 5 kittens

I trap and release animals but mainly cats , foxes, hedgehogs and birds

I had meningitis in 2019 which did me some damage but mostly it was my memory

I lost my job of 20 years and got another job with royal mail but my memory got worse and they medically retired me 3 years ago

I spend a lot of time in my garden enjoying the birds and me pets

2 years of whinging and shouting to me docs and i got a scan and it showed Frontotemporal dementia due to the meningitis brain damage

Having a lumbar puncture in a few weeks and will go from there. I thought i was going mad so it was almost a relief to be diagnosed with something

Just taking it all in at the moment. Sad, scared, fine, scared, upset, fine

i am sure people know what i mean.

I stopped socialising as my short term memory is pretty bad and i felt embarrassed forgetting what i was talking about

No better place to be than with others who can give advice.




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Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
Welcome to the forum Sean / @SD66.

I’m so sorry to read about your diagnosis and your situation. I hope you get some support and advice following your lumbar puncture.

I’m glad you’ve found this forum. I’m sure you’ll find understanding and support here.

(What a lovely photo of your cats🐈‍⬛)


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
@SD66 , hello ,welcome to the forum. I'm sorry you have a dementia diagnosis and I can fully understand the mood swings you feel. Who wouldn't feel as you do.!

I can understand your withdrawal from socialising as well . It's my OH that has the diagnosis but his conversation is now, well let's say, unusual and difficult to follow.

But... We go to to dementia coffee clubs, games and singing. Don't worry if you'd struggle with some games or activities,there are volunteers to help. There are people there who take you as you are, people who understand how conversation can be difficult ,people who can offer support ,advice and friendship.

I know it's maybe not what you think of a good afternoon out but , honestly ,you should give them a try. We've made friends with other couples and socialise outside of these groups too. Your wife may be happy to have the support of others in the same situation as well.

Can't praise these groups enough, been my lifeline at times.
Enjoy life while you can .