Nail Varnish Saga


New member
Feb 16, 2024
Good evening everyone 😊, I'm looking for advise.
We look after a lovely lady with early onset of Dementia. She has recently become obsessed with painting her nails with nail polish. She will paint them in the morning and then by evening have taken it off and then re paints.
We have discreetly put the polish away and explained that keep redoing the nails could make them sore. However this evening upon our return she has knocked at her neighbours (she lives in assisted flat) and asked to borrow some nail polish 💅🏼 🤦🏼‍♀️..
Has anyone experienced this or have any advise on this please?

Many thanks


Volunteer Host
Mar 25, 2016
Hello @Carer@home welcome to the forum. Fixations or obsessions can be quite common, and this may just be a passing phase, but if concerned, and if the lady has relatives, I think it may be best to have a chat with them about the situation to see if they think that any action needs to be taken, and if so how best to manage this.