My mum has stopped eating, barely drinking and struggling with taking medication.


Registered User
Feb 20, 2022
Hi All.
I need some advice or even just some kind words because the reality of Dementia has hit me recently.
The night before New Years Eve my wonderful, kind, caring mum was hospitalised with a kidney stone and severe infection. She was diagnosed many years ago with Mixed Dementia, a mixture of Alzheimer’s and Vascular Dementia. But we have been coping well, and handling it as best as we could, and in fact I think I went into a kind of denial about her thinking that things couldn’t or wouldn’t get any worse.
She was discharged on the 2nd of January. She was exhausted, but okay. The hospital prescribed some new medication to help prevent kidney stones and some antibiotics and they told me to let her rest but make sure she was hydrated. So that’s what I did. She had no appetite at all, but I assumed it was because of the infection and didn’t think anything of it.
The new medication for kidney stones shouldn’t have been prescribed. It dangerously lowered her blood pressure and hallucinations then began, along with lack of sleep, passing out when we got her out of bed, and her being even more confused than we had ever seen her.
She slept more than ever, and didn’t even want the TV on in her room.
I called the GP out, one because I was just so worried, and two because I had no way of getting her to our GP surgery. He was brilliant and stopped the medication, gave her some more antibiotics but again didn’t seem worried about the lack of appetite.
We are now on day 24 of her not eating. I have tried cup a soup, mousse, trifle, all of her favourites, with no luck.
She sips her drinks, and for some reason is convinced she has a hair in her mouth even though there is nothing there.
When it comes to taking her medication she just seems to have forgotten how to swallow tablets. She stores them in her mouth without swallowing Then when she finally does it then makes her gag and then she’s sick.
I get so annoyed with her for not eating and drinking, I keep thinking she wants to die and leave me. (I know how wrong that sounds and I swear I don’t mean it. But it’s breaking my heart.)
I know deep in my heart this is the dementia, I know this is part of the course. Do any of you kind people have any suggestions to help me on how to deal with this, or things to try and tempt her with I would be so grateful.
Thank you, in advance.
With love and support to everyone who are in the same position as I am, who have gone through this, and who are living with this awful disease.


Registered User
Oct 2, 2023
Hi All.
I need some advice or even just some kind words because the reality of Dementia has hit me recently.
The night before New Years Eve my wonderful, kind, caring mum was hospitalised with a kidney stone and severe infection. She was diagnosed many years ago with Mixed Dementia, a mixture of Alzheimer’s and Vascular Dementia. But we have been coping well, and handling it as best as we could, and in fact I think I went into a kind of denial about her thinking that things couldn’t or wouldn’t get any worse.
She was discharged on the 2nd of January. She was exhausted, but okay. The hospital prescribed some new medication to help prevent kidney stones and some antibiotics and they told me to let her rest but make sure she was hydrated. So that’s what I did. She had no appetite at all, but I assumed it was because of the infection and didn’t think anything of it.
The new medication for kidney stones shouldn’t have been prescribed. It dangerously lowered her blood pressure and hallucinations then began, along with lack of sleep, passing out when we got her out of bed, and her being even more confused than we had ever seen her.
She slept more than ever, and didn’t even want the TV on in her room.
I called the GP out, one because I was just so worried, and two because I had no way of getting her to our GP surgery. He was brilliant and stopped the medication, gave her some more antibiotics but again didn’t seem worried about the lack of appetite.
We are now on day 24 of her not eating. I have tried cup a soup, mousse, trifle, all of her favourites, with no luck.
She sips her drinks, and for some reason is convinced she has a hair in her mouth even though there is nothing there.
When it comes to taking her medication she just seems to have forgotten how to swallow tablets. She stores them in her mouth without swallowing Then when she finally does it then makes her gag and then she’s sick.
I get so annoyed with her for not eating and drinking, I keep thinking she wants to die and leave me. (I know how wrong that sounds and I swear I don’t mean it. But it’s breaking my heart.)
I know deep in my heart this is the dementia, I know this is part of the course. Do any of you kind people have any suggestions to help me on how to deal with this, or things to try and tempt her with I would be so grateful.
Thank you, in advance.
With love and support to everyone who are in the same position as I am, who have gone through this, and who are living with this awful disease.
Does she have any of the vitamins drinks like Ensure or the meal one like Complan?
Mums just been perscribed these due to her not eating enough to keep a bird alive.
Even tho you know the hair is an “excuse” she’s using have you asked to have a look & pretend to remove it? Sometimes i feel like I’m convincing a toddler not my mum.
Tablets can be a difficult one , can you break or crush them so not so big or is there a liquid version of any that you can administer with those little mouth syringes you get in kids medicines?
It’s so difficult getting ‘around them’ for even something so simple as a few sips of liquid, so I totally feel your pain in this.


Registered User
Feb 20, 2022
Thank you for the reply. I have got some Complan and the GP has prescribed me some energy drinks. I think it’s Ensure. I’ve got to pick them up tomorrow. I was thinking more of using drinking things as they seem to go down better. I have “looked in her mouth” and cleaned her dentures as many times as she wants me to to help her. I agree with trying to convince a toddler at times it feels like it. But then my wonderful mother is also as stubborn as a mule still finds it in her to argue with me.
I guess I’m fretting that she isn’t eating, but being here and reading as many posts as I can makes me realise that this is just a stage of dementia. It’s learning the “new normal” and helping as many ways as I can.


Registered User
Jan 3, 2020
Thank you for the reply. I have got some Complan and the GP has prescribed me some energy drinks. I think it’s Ensure. I’ve got to pick them up tomorrow. I was thinking more of using drinking things as they seem to go down better. I have “looked in her mouth” and cleaned her dentures as many times as she wants me to to help her. I agree with trying to convince a toddler at times it feels like it. But then my wonderful mother is also as stubborn as a mule still finds it in her to argue with me.
I guess I’m fretting that she isn’t eating, but being here and reading as many posts as I can makes me realise that this is just a stage of dementia. It’s learning the “new normal” and helping as many ways as I can.
Hi MowgliGirl, has GP assessed your mum. I think you should maybe get them to come and do a review. It is horrible seeing your loved one deteriorate. Sending you a big hug


New member
Jan 13, 2024
Hi All.
I need some advice or even just some kind words because the reality of Dementia has hit me recently.
The night before New Years Eve my wonderful, kind, caring mum was hospitalised with a kidney stone and severe infection. She was diagnosed many years ago with Mixed Dementia, a mixture of Alzheimer’s and Vascular Dementia. But we have been coping well, and handling it as best as we could, and in fact I think I went into a kind of denial about her thinking that things couldn’t or wouldn’t get any worse.
She was discharged on the 2nd of January. She was exhausted, but okay. The hospital prescribed some new medication to help prevent kidney stones and some antibiotics and they told me to let her rest but make sure she was hydrated. So that’s what I did. She had no appetite at all, but I assumed it was because of the infection and didn’t think anything of it.
The new medication for kidney stones shouldn’t have been prescribed. It dangerously lowered her blood pressure and hallucinations then began, along with lack of sleep, passing out when we got her out of bed, and her being even more confused than we had ever seen her.
She slept more than ever, and didn’t even want the TV on in her room.
I called the GP out, one because I was just so worried, and two because I had no way of getting her to our GP surgery. He was brilliant and stopped the medication, gave her some more antibiotics but again didn’t seem worried about the lack of appetite.
We are now on day 24 of her not eating. I have tried cup a soup, mousse, trifle, all of her favourites, with no luck.
She sips her drinks, and for some reason is convinced she has a hair in her mouth even though there is nothing there.
When it comes to taking her medication she just seems to have forgotten how to swallow tablets. She stores them in her mouth without swallowing Then when she finally does it then makes her gag and then she’s sick.
I get so annoyed with her for not eating and drinking, I keep thinking she wants to die and leave me. (I know how wrong that sounds and I swear I don’t mean it. But it’s breaking my heart.)
I know deep in my heart this is the dementia, I know this is part of the course. Do any of you kind people have any suggestions to help me on how to deal with this, or things to try and tempt her with I would be so grateful.
Thank you, in advance.
With love and support to everyone who are in the same position as I am, who have gone through this, and who are living with this awful disease.
Hi - feel so sad for you as I know exactly what you’re going through. My mum has been getting increasingly more poorly but as with you, things have taken a real nosedive after two hospital stays in Dec/Jan. She also had issues with new medication leading to low BP and losing consciousness. We thought she would perk up when home but she now doesn’t speak other than yes/no or eat anything. She just looks so sad and turns her head if we try to feed her. We have a good care package for her at home but this is dependent on her using a standaid to transfer and she’s getting too weak to do this. Dad and I are starting to struggle a bit as it just seems so hopeless - sending you a big hug as I don’t have any answers. I wish I did ❤️


Registered User
Dec 16, 2022
So sorry to hear about your mum MowgliGirl02. It’s such a shock when things like this happen and even though you’ve been dealing with dementia for a while it still feels like it’s come out of the blue. Changes can be sudden and unexpected and very traumatic maybe more for the carers than the person with dementia sometimes.

I don’t have any tips to get your mum to eat more though I hope she does, maybe when she’s feeling a bit better from her recent illnesses. Keep offering things and hopefully it’ll build back up gradually.

Please take care of yourself too. Don’t burn yourself out


Registered User
Feb 20, 2022
Thank you All for your replies with Love and support. It’s very easy to think you are all alone in this, when in truth you aren’t. I am having her assessed next week again, and I’ll keep trying with everything I have. My mum is my best friend, as well as mother, so as long as she keeps fighting, so will I.
My love and support to all of us in this terrible situations. We must remember that we are never alone, and we never will be. ❤️


New member
Jan 10, 2024
Thank you All for your replies with Love and support. It’s very easy to think you are all alone in this, when in truth you aren’t. I am having her assessed next week again, and I’ll keep trying with everything I have. My mum is my best friend, as well as mother, so as long as she keeps fighting, so will I.
My love and support to all of us in this terrible situations. We must remember that we are never alone, and we never will be. ❤️
My mum too is my best friend. It’s heartbreaking to observe her deterioration. Sending big love to all of us 🫶