My 92 year old dad has dementia


New member
Jun 11, 2024
My dad has terrible incontinence, and my mom and I are constantly washing sheets every day. Does anybody know of an online store that sells rubber sheets or heavy duty pads? Also, we have been putting disposable underwear on him, but he goes right through them. Is there also a store that sells adult diapers?

Thank you so much for any help in this regard.


Registered User
Mar 21, 2020
I’d suggest you use a waterproof mattress cover,then the sheet and a Kylie pad on top of the sheet. These are very heavy duty and should prevent you having to wash the sheets every day.

Monday’s child

Registered User
Aug 24, 2022
Hello have you asked your Gp or social services about their incontinence nurses as you can get things delivered and free and they may be able to provide more that just the pants


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
Hello @AngelKay I am assuming from the use of the word 'diapers' that you are based in the US. This is a UK based site and we would not therefore be able to advise you of what stores to go to to purchase adult diapers. However I would suggest that you look on the Amazon site and see what is available there, they certainly have a good selection on the UK site.