Moving my Mum


New member
Apr 21, 2024
My mum has dementia. She has been in her care home for 8 years. She is 90 years old. She has been self funding until now. Her money ( over half a million! ) has run out. She is now, it seems, a non contributing burden to the society she has helped build through her contributions as a tax payer from 15 years old. Worked her whole life, including when she had three young babies/children. Now the council want to move her to a cheaper home. The home are willing to come down on price but the council will not budge. They don't care about her health or welfare, just balancing their books. Both the home she is currently in and the cheaper home they want to move her to say this is detrimental to her health. Unfortunately as pensioners ourselves I and my siblings do not have the funds to top up the fees. However we intend to fight this every step of the way. Has anyone else experienced this? Any tips, advice.


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
Nothing to add, just thank you for posting, moving care homes is difficult but cheaper doesn't mean worse care. K


Volunteer Host
Mar 25, 2016
Hello @Rabitt and welcome to the Dementia Support Forum. What a difficult situation for you all, it doesn't sound as if the local authority have considered undertaking a risk assessment with regards to moving your mum. As both your mum's current home, and the home that the local authority want to move her to, are saying that a move move would be detrimental to her health then you do have grounds for challenging the decision. I would suggest that you contact Care Rights UK as they have experience with this and will be able to offer you advice/support about the best way to challenge this.

Click on the "I have run out of funds, do I have to move?" tab here for more info:

Contact details for Care Rights UK are here. You can call them, or book an half hour slot on-line to discuss your situation:

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