Mother in law has dementia


New member
Jan 15, 2024
Hello i hope all is well I’m Corry and here to get some ideas and solutions taking care of my mother in law
I wanted to ask a few questions
1- my mother in law comes out the bathroom with urine sample and I ask her what is that she tells me they told me to do this I’m not sure how to handle this situation on top of more situations like folding her clothes over and over any suggestions


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Hello @Cking

I expect your mother in law is remembering a time in the past when she had to give urine samples and thinks that she has to do this. Id just take it from her, say "thanks, thats great" and when she has gone quietly dispose of it.

With dementia you have to pick your battles and if its something thats not doing any harm (even if it irritates the socks off you) its best to ignore it and then sort it out out later.


Registered User
Oct 23, 2023
Hello i hope all is well I’m Corry and here to get some ideas and solutions taking care of my mother in law
I wanted to ask a few questions
1- my mother in law comes out the bathroom with urine sample and I ask her what is that she tells me they told me to do this I’m not sure how to handle this situation on top of more situations like folding her clothes over and over any suggestions
💗 Hello and welcome here

Like Canary says picking your battles is a good idea and ignoring, distracting can sometimes work as well.

Folding clothes - It might be irritating but is it really harmful or is it distressing MIL? If it is something your MIL would have done in day to day life perhaps or could you distract her to do something else ? It really also depends on the individual as well for one thing I have learnt is how different people are within an umbrella term of dementia.