Mom passed away on Saturday 11 th April 2020.


New member
Apr 14, 2020
I used to be a member of this site when my mother started her Dementia journey. Mydra 52, I joined in 2017.

The members were so supportive, helpful and informative, over this terrible disease, I saw take away the strong woman my mother was. She lost the ability to do anything for herself, in the 5 year battle with this disease.

My father is left completely heartbroken, they had been married 60 years. I see a rapid decline in him, and he has been diagnosed severely mentally impaired, and is starting the same journey as my mother. He is also weak and frail. I am the only child, and feel utterly washed out, with my mothers journey, and have to go through it again with my father. I am not complaining, just feel completely numb, and mentally worn out.

My reason for returning and posting, is hopefully some support for my fathers journey, but if anybody needs to ask anything about my mothers journey, and I can offer any support advice, I be happy to help anybody.

Although no expert, although I feel I know just about everything about this horrible disease, and I know every one has a different journey, this site certainly helped me, reading other peoples accounts.

I feel I have fought every battle with this disease, down to the horrible decline in my once proud strong mother, to all the paperwork involved, if any of my dealings can help anybody I will happily share.

I am now trying to arrange a funeral for my mother, very limited, due to the current situation, she will not get the send off I would have liked to have given her. I know nothing can be done, but I feel so sad. I couldn't be with her when she died, but she died looking at my Dad and holding his hand, in his PPE equipment. I have just found out, they can not be sure, but it may have been COVID, so she will be placed in a sealed coffin, no viewing so saying Goodbye.

Finally if you read this thank you, it is good open up, as I am the strong woman now, for my Dad, also some people may not like me saying this, but I am glad she is finally at Peace, from this vile disease, as I now prepare to start the journey again with Dad.

So to my mother Sylvia, sorry I could not be with you, or give you nice funeral. And as Dads final works were wait for me in heaven, I will look after him for you, as best I can for you.

Thank you.


Volunteer Host
Nov 6, 2008
Welcome back to DTP But I’m sorry that the circumstances for your return are so difficult.
my sincere condolences to you and your family at this time.
you and your Dad must be struggling with all that has happened.
please keep posting for support.


Registered User
Apr 30, 2019
South East
Oh @Mydra55 that bought a lump to my throat , what a lovely message to your mum , you may not have been with her physically but I’m sure you were in her heart and mind . Feel so desperately sad for you that you can’t give her the send off you would of liked, and also that you have to go through this difficult journey again with your dad . Sending you a hug and my condolences . Take care of you too.


Volunteer Moderator
May 9, 2012
south-east London
I am so sorry to hear of your loss @Mydra55 - and equally sorry to hear that your father has now been diagnosed as severely mentally impaired. It is a huge task ahead that you face and I fully understand how your mother's battle with dementia has left you exhausted.

I hope you are able to access help going forward - and in the meantime you know that we are also here whenever you need to talk things through.

I'd also like to thank you for stepping forward to offer to help and support others with what you have already learnt or experienced down the years. This heart-felt peer to peer support is what makes Dementia Talking Point unique in the range of experience and understanding it can offer.


New member
Apr 15, 2020
I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your mom. My prayer is that God strengthens you as you prepare to put your mom to her final rest and as you continue to support your father. I cannot imagine what you must be feeling but please make yourself a priority. It is so important that you attend to your own wellness.


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
I’m so sorry for your loss.

Wishing you strength for facing what’s to come

Canadian Joanne

Registered User
Apr 8, 2005
Toronto, Canada
I'm very sorry about your loss. Doing the journey once is so very difficult, doing it twice is heartbreaking. There are other members who have also done it twice. They made it through and I'm sure you will also.


Registered User
Sep 5, 2016
sorry to hear of your loss. my mum passed march 12th and still trying to get refund of £5,200+ monies owed from nursing home. There were two of us at funeral, all the relatives have health conditions or partners who need care etc...It was really sad but im glad i went as i have Lyme disease so really my immune system isnt 100%. Weve paid £4600+and first it was no limousine for family. then it was limited to 10 only and had problem finding florist open...could pick anybody up in my car due to sociol isolating.....anyway friend came who knew mum well from college and got two busses home..she lives 1miles from mums....the funeral went straight to crematorium and the flowers were delivered outside to mums flats....i wouldve really loved funeral to go from outside there....i had to put them in my car and take them to the creamtorium...that was the most upsetting


Registered User
Jun 19, 2016
Dear Mydra,

You were a very strong woman right from the start and your parents are lucky to have you. They would have been very proud and yes you should look out for your dad but you should also look after yourself. Therefore you will need to start getting carers or a homehelp in for your dad. I lost mum in 2008 and from 2015 to 2018 I cared for dad until he went into a home in June of that year. He passed away in June 2019 and he was spared the final awful throes of Alzheimers.

I view dad's death as a release from this illness but I miss more than anything because the caring pushed us much closer together. Yes there were things that I could have done better but I did my best.

Hugs from
