Looking for tips on flying abroad with my mother


Registered User
Dec 20, 2023

Family friends have offered to put myself and my mother up in Spain for a short holiday. I'm my mother's carer and a little concerned about the flight. Any tips ?

I've been told we can inform the airline we choose that my mother has Alzheimer's and they can help with getting through check in easier so I need to look into this.



Registered User
Jul 23, 2017
N Ireland
Hi @Soli99

Check the airline and airport to see if they use the hidden disability sunflower lanyard. My local airport used that and staff got us through security very quickly.

Good luck.


Registered User
Oct 18, 2019
The simplest way is to request a lanyard at the support desk. If your mum (or you if she is not keen) wear it you can sit in the assistance area in the terminal if there is a shortage of seats elsewhere, you will usually be allowed to go in the first class queue or taken to the front of the check in queue, directed to fast track in security and given help if needed and taken to the front and given help in passport control and avoiding the electronic booths. You may have to wave the lanyard if it is not noticed but staff are getting better at noticing it. You will also be able to board in the first group if you request it at the gate. In some cases there are sunflowers showing you the route to take through the airport. There are also quiet rooms to sit in but the ones I have looked at are not very pleasant I think they are aimed at those who can't deal with the sensory overload at the airport.

You can request assistance and travel through the airport with those in wheelchairs but then you are dependant on helpers being available - I have seen people getting very anxious when no-one has come to take them to the plane. If your mum is physically fit I would recommend going it alone with just the lanyard.

You may want to prepare for security before going in the queue - my OH is reluctant to give up his watch etc so I find a quiet corner to prepare for security, checking pockets etc.

I hope this is helpful and you and your mum have a lovely holiday. I have recently been to Spain and found everyone very helpful and the waiters in particular were very understanding of my husband who rather rudely shouts for drinks!


Volunteer Host
Mar 25, 2016
Fingers crossed, hope you and your mother both have a nice time and you get the chance to put your feet up🌞


New member
Sep 22, 2023
I took my mum with Alzheimer's to USA last summer. She was about 2.5 years post diagnosis so before hand, we informed both the airline and the airport. The airport offered us speedy security and also offered a wheelchair. Even though mum doesn't have mobility problems it was helpful so she didn't go wandering. We stuck her grandchild on her knee so she was happy to go into the wheel chair. Just before security, where you scan your boarding pass/passport, I reminded the staff and they escorted us to the speedy lane which was pretty much empty, private and less stressful. Mum still got a bit upset and confused but staff were understanding and it meant I wasn't stressed trying to reassure whilst not holding up a line of impatient travellers. On the plane mum was put in the window seat so we could watch her. We also got her prescribed some diazepam and zoplicone sleeping tablets. We gave her a diazepam just as we boarded and the sleeping tablets were a god send for the actual trip. Good luck and I hope you and your mum enjoy your holiday time :)