Lasting Power of Attorney


New member
Aug 21, 2023
My Dad has dementia and has lost mental capacity (he can't make a cup of tea, not sure who Mum is any more etc). He has an LPA in place and Mum is his attorney, but my Mum is struggling with multiple health issues and so I am giving her a lot of practical help (I am also in line to be my Dad's next attorney if Mum cannot do it in the future - the LPA paperwork for this was done 2 years ago) . Dad's LPA has been "registered" but not yet "activated". We are looking into nursing homes for Dad because my Mum is no longer fit enough to look after Dad at home. Mum has resisted activating Dad's LPA up until now because she "didn't want to create extra paperwork", but we are now way past the point where in my opinion it should have been activated.
So my questions is: when Mum uses her activation key and activates Dad's LPA (we will probably do this in the next week or two) whom does she (with lots of help from me) have to notify? e.g. is she obligated to notify all the financial institutions where Dad has savings straight away, or should she wait to notify them until she needs to access or move Dad's money? I would prefer to do as much as possible asap before things deteriorate. I'll add that some of the household bills are still in Dad's name, Mum is deaf so can't use a phone very easily, but I am good with admin. Thanks in advance to everyone on this fab forum and apologies if I posted this wrong, I wasn't sure whether to start a new thread or comment on this one so please say if I did it wrong!! :)
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Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
I'd start activating the power with all financial institutions so that when needed your Mum can act without delay.
Some will be easy, others may not be.

Don't forget HMRC, DWP, and utilities/insurers if not joint with Mum

If H&W LPA is held make sure GP has a copy, take original for them to copy.

It's a tedious process best tackled slowly in preparation for any unknown.

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