Is this a 'dementia cough'


Registered User
Apr 13, 2017
I care for my 92 year old Mum, I'm 56 and she's lived with me since my Dad died in 2010. She was diagnosed with Vascular Dementia and Mixed Alzheimers in 2013 following a heart attack where she ended up having 4 stents fitted.

Although she has no short or medium term memory and regularly forgets who my Dad was and if he was her husband etc., she's been OK physically, eating reasonably well but often can't be bothered with a knife and fork!

In the last month she has developed a strange cough / sneeze. She also coughs up a huge about of white stuff following these bouts of rattling coughing. The GP prescribed her meds to take four times daily to reduce the saliva but the bouts seem to be more frequent. I have read posts about the swallowing reflex but she can still wolf down egg and chips and iced buns .... its just very strange as the GP says here chest is clear and there is no infection. Has anyone else experienced this? Thanks in advance.


Registered User
Aug 1, 2014
Victoria, Australia
It could be worth investigating the cough in relation to her heart condition. At her age and having had a heart attack, there may be a connection.

Sometimes, cardiac patients can get fluid on the lungs and the cough is the body's attempt to get rid of it. It wouldn't hurt to get her checked again because something is causing it.


Registered User
Apr 13, 2017
Thanks so much ... appreciate that. I'll get onto it :)

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