I need to be alerted if OH goes downstairs at night


Registered User
Jan 29, 2023
I am deaf and cannot hear the intruder alarm if it is set off by my husband who has taken to going downstairs during the night. Consequently by the time I do hear, the neighbours are anxiously knocking on the door and OH is very upset and afraid. I have not ben setting the alarm but I do need to know if he has gone downstairs. The alarm company has quoted £550 to set up a light and alarm in the bedroom or alternatively an under pillow alarm. However, this will only trigger as the alarm goes outside not when the first warning beeps sound, so it will not be ideal. I need something which will set off a bell or buzzer when he walks along the landing.

Any advice or suggestions would be very useful.


Registered User
Apr 13, 2022
This has a vibrating alarm which is set off when someone stands on the pressure mat.



Registered User
Instead of a pad sensor near the bed which will alert you every time he gets out of bed, I suggest using the motion sensor type of system with the motion sensor located near the front door. I don't have this system, but here is one I saw on Amazon. https://amzn.eu/d/doIrQup

For my own use, I have built a DIY system that uses a motion sensor by the front door and a light in my bedroom. It has an additional feature in that it shows a red light on the front door and also speaks a gentle reminder to go back to bed BEFORE they open the door.


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
I am deaf and cannot hear the intruder alarm if it is set off by my husband who has taken to going downstairs during the night. Consequently by the time I do hear, the neighbours are anxiously knocking on the door and OH is very upset and afraid. I have not ben setting the alarm but I do need to know if he has gone downstairs. The alarm company has quoted £550 to set up a light and alarm in the bedroom or alternatively an under pillow alarm. However, this will only trigger as the alarm goes outside not when the first warning beeps sound, so it will not be ideal. I need something which will set off a bell or buzzer when he walks along the landing.

Any advice or suggestions would be very useful.
I too am very hard of hearing without my hearing aids and so nightime is a big worry and, while not the issue you have I sourced a worst-worn SOS button for my LO and a wrist-worn receiver for myself. When she presses the button as she has had to do on several occasions my ‘watch’ vibrates, gives of audio alert as well as a flashing light and as far as I know has woken me everytime she has sought my help. I mention it as the company that sorted it for me were very helpful although not dedicated to making such alerts, could I suggest you email them at technical@ultrasecuredirect.com and spell out your question as I did? Good luck, harry


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New member
Jan 6, 2021
you should try Pad sensors - fall savers are a brand we have used before and are great.

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