Husband change of personality could it be dementia


New member
Sep 29, 2019
I am new here..i have been struggling myself and crying daily at the lost of my husband .
He changed from a jovial happy person to a quiet person.He isolate himself and recently started to avoid me.He gets angry if I touched him..he got annoyed when I try to communicate.Theres no emotion just flat.
Hes doing hia own thinh..just watching tv aftee coming hime feom work.
Lately he forget his watch..hia belongings..
Started ignoring our children and tge saddest part of all.he started staying away from me and forget about whereabout etc..He used to be a loving caring husband..
He refused to go for medical and I am very miserable..It seems like I have lost my soulmate..

Thk you..


Registered User
Apr 24, 2013
What age is he? Could your doctor call him in for a Well Man check up and do a dementia test at the same time? Write down all the problems you can identify and give it to your GP and ask for help.


New member
Sep 29, 2019
What age is he? Could your doctor call him in for a Well Man check up and do a dementia test at the same time? Write down all the problems you can identify and give it to your GP and ask for help.
What age is he? Could your doctor call him in for a Well Man check up and do a dementia test at the same time? Write down all the problems you can identify and give it to your GP and ask for help.


New member
Sep 29, 2019
Hi Mariong
Thks for reply.
He is turning 59 this year end.
He only visit his GP in his company.
He is not talking to me, no phone calls, no msgs, nothing.
If he sees me as if he dont know me.
I a very confused.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Write a letter explaining all your concerns and send it to the GP that he sees. That way they GP will see your concerns and may call him in for an appointment. Even if he doesnt, when your husband does go in to see him next time the doctor will see the letter.