How to cope with guilt


New member
Jan 5, 2024
Hi, I'm new. My dad lives with us and we've just relocated from another country. We found out a few months ago that he was misdiagnosed (from where we used to live), and is further along than we thought - mixed dementia: vascular and alzheimers. As his carer, I feel really bad that we're now considering putting him in a care home, but it's either that or continue on with the feeling of anxiety, stress and helplessness.


Registered User
Jun 19, 2022
Not sure whether any of us cope with the guilt. It's sometimes just a case of learning to control it. If you think your dad has reached the point where he needs a care home you can either start looking round some to find one you like if he has sufficient funds to pay the fees, or if he hasn't, contact social services and request a carers assessment.
If you have a look through the Alzheimer's society website there are guides available to give you more information as a starting point.

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Welcome @claudette88

Deciding on residential care can have a more positive outcome than most people realise.

feeling of anxiety, stress and helplessness.

Once your dad settles and the physical responsibilities of care are in the hands of others, those feelings above will fade and you will be able to visit as a daughter rather than as a carer.


Volunteer Host
Apr 13, 2018
Welcome to Dementia Support Forum @claudette88.
This is a link to the information @yoy mentioned
I think until you have someone living with you 24/7 you don't realise the full extent of how dementia is affecting them. I saw my mum regularly and although I knew things were amiss I thought she was doing OKish until I spent a Christmas with her and I realised how advanced her dementia had become. It is not a failure if your dad moves into care. You'll still be looking after him, but with a team of people to help you.


Registered User
Jan 14, 2023
The guilt never goes away, but you learn to live with it and accept you can’t be everything to everyone.