How are you?


Registered User
May 11, 2023
A question that the carers, the worriers and the ones that are pulling their hair out are rarely asked.
How’s your mum, how’s your dad but not often how are you!
So how are you?
Im always happy to help x


Registered User
Jan 10, 2023
Hi @Cappy67
Didn't you know a carer is invisible. It's a super power I've acquired.

A few years ago, a paramedic doing tests on my wife after a fall, said to me, when the tests turned out to show "normal" results, "Well the most important thing is that your wife is OK". I wasn't lost for words, as these words made me angry. I told the paramedic that that was not the most important thing at all. The most important thing, I informed him, was that I was OK, as without me being OK my wife would have to be in hospital or in care as she was not in a position to look after herself. Sheepishly he apologised. I said also that a PWD is actually not and never will be OK, OK?
Yes I'm also happy to help, even though I am alone, lonely and quite often invisible!
Keep smiling.