holidays - a word of caution


Registered User
Jun 10, 2012
Whilst the week in Scarborough went well, but Dennis mum has not settled and does not realise she is back home.

We took her away last year and did not have any issues afterwards, but this year it is very different - we've had calls from concerned neighbour, taxi firm, police, social worker and A&E.

For anybody who was on the Old Man of Coniston yesterday, we apologise for all the mobile calls - we hadn't been able to track her down, we found out she had been AWOL for the morning carers and so we alerted viatline who when round and checked and must have called the local hospital....hence our next call from a staff nurse at A&E. She had falled, been bruised, but was basically OK and was happily making new friends in A&E.

The hospital would not discharge without some extra care in left them to sort that with social services.

Dennis' mum lives alone.

Similar issues happened with friends (we found out afterwards) when they took their mum away.

So just a word of caution about you need to think about after the holiday espicially if the person normally lives alone....we don't feel too bad about it as we were looking at respite care for our abroad holiday and social services are now looking at giving extra support to keep her at home and allow us to have a holiday without fretting too much!

Dennis has a meeting with social worker tomorrow to discuss what next....


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
Oh dear, what a shame. My mum was always more disorientated when we got back from a holiday but she lived with us so it was much easier to manage it. I hope you MIL is OK. x