Hi...I'm just exhausted....i can't go on


New member
Oct 8, 2023
It's about 4 years since my mom was diagnosed with ftd...of course so many guesses about her symptoms,from depression and shock to alzeimer....ultimately the MRI proved the ftd affecting her. It's worth mentioning how this terrible disaster emerged. about 5 years ago she was affected by a racket. Little by little she got so restless, wandering in streets for unnecessary things...doing one thing at a time not aware of time and place..she didn'tknow how to quick...she got incontinence in bladder...however she was still able to do most daily activities..after 2 years everything worsened...any kind of activity..any control on personal feelings and now that she cannot swallow...just alive no life...I can't stand the situation..I'm not bored with caring but the condition bothers me.. no hope...how log does it take...if this condition last several years...oh my God....what can I do


Volunteer Host
Mar 2, 2017
Hi @Hakima and welcome to Dementia Support Forum our friendly and helpful community. I am sorry to hear about your mom and how this makes you feel. I don't have any answers as I know nothing about FTD. There are other members who do know and I hope will be able to give you some help. Please feel free to post at anytime, whether to ask questions or to let off steam. You'll find understanding and empathy here.

I wonder if this link might be helpful:


Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Hello @Hakima

Have you considered residential care for your mother? There is no shame in it. It can help you continue your care by sharing it with a team who can be there for her in shifts, 24/7.

This will give you time and energy to be with her for visits while having a bit of life back for yourself.



Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Hello @Hakima
We all want to know how long dementia will go on for, but unfortunately, that is the one question that no-one can answer
after 2 years everything worsened...any kind of activity..any control on personal feelings and now that she cannot swallow
This suggests that she is now in advanced stages.
This stage is quite harrowing to watch.
Can she swallow pureed food and thickened drink, or is she now at the stage where she cannot swallow anything at all? The ability to swallow declines in the later stages, but once it goes completely then she will be at end of life. If she has already reached this stage then please contact your doctor to assess her and if he agrees that she is at end of life, to organise pain killers and other drugs to keep her pain free and comfortable as she passes


New member
Oct 8, 2023
Hello @Hakima
We all want to know how long dementia will go on for, but unfortunately, that is the one question that no-one can answer

This suggests that she is now in advanced stages.
This stage is quite harrowing to watch.
Can she swallow pureed food and thickened drink, or is she now at the stage where she cannot swallow anything at all? The ability to swallow declines in the later stages, but once it goes completely then she will be at end of life. If she has already reached this stage then please contact your doctor to assess her and if he agrees that she is at end of life, to organise pain killers and other drugs to keep her pain free and comfortable as she passes
Thanks for your sympathy....helpful tips..
Actually, she cannot swallow on herself. we have to feed her and give every kind of liquids as water and other drinks to make the food swallow. No bread...no other solid food...she doesn't know how to chew how to swallow even how to use the toilet...she is such a strong woman who tries to do the things but unable to know how...this is the most distressing fact about her...exactly like a soldier trying to fight with all the might...

leny connery

Registered User
Nov 13, 2022
It's about 4 years since my mom was diagnosed with ftd...of course so many guesses about her symptoms,from depression and shock to alzeimer....ultimately the MRI proved the ftd affecting her. It's worth mentioning how this terrible disaster emerged. about 5 years ago she was affected by a racket. Little by little she got so restless, wandering in streets for unnecessary things...doing one thing at a time not aware of time and place..she didn'tknow how to quick...she got incontinence in bladder...however she was still able to do most daily activities..after 2 years everything worsened...any kind of activity..any control on personal feelings and now that she cannot swallow...just alive no life...I can't stand the situation..I'm not bored with caring but the condition bothers me.. no hope...how log does it take...if this condition last several years...oh my God....what can I do
it is hopeless as far as cure is concerned, but for the carer if you get to this point of hopelessness and exhaustion, please make the arrangement to get your mom to a care home. we all have limits. you go with her as far as you can go in term of looking after her, but if she cannot swallow, she needs help from the professional carers and nurse, right?