

New member
Jul 2, 2023
Hi all, I am new to the group. I am looking for support as I have no one to help me with support as I only have a daughter who is in alaska and I am in ohio. I have 1 very good friend but don't really know many others in the area as we moved here it will be a year ago. My husband of 54 years is now in a nursing home. This started in the past November 2022. Husbabd had mild forgetfulness limited mobility, trouble walking and was getting epidural after last one he couldn't barely stand or walk went to er they saud compression fractures from his fall and admitted him. My husband had ptsd and was on zoloft and xanax for years. While in hospital he was getting delirious, come to find out they were not giving him his xanax and cut down his zoloft, I got them to give him his meds but by that time he really spiraled he had some physical therapy and was standing with help. They then sent him to nursing home fir rehab. Throughout all this time he could not sleep at night and was getting very confused and they then had a psychiatrist come in and what did he do but took him off of his zoloft without any tapering. He then went into a psychotic episode and was sent to er which had a geriatric behavior unit but it was full so put him in icu and he was combative agressive out of his mind it was terrible then they moved him to another hospital geriatric unit. He was there 3 weeks kept him in a geriatric chair since he could not walk he was very combative and agressive they put him on depakote he would not talk did not know me hardly slept and got no therapy. When released tgey wanted to send him to a terrible nursing home but I took him home and hired some help. Once home visiting nurses came and said needed full care and all of this caused his dementia to be full blown. He was dead weight couldn't eat , talk on and on my heart was shredded. No one would help anymore because they couldn't lift him up all night incontinent etc. I knew I had to place him in a facility it was now the end of January. I found a good one and he was admitted. He had improved after so much time even could stand with help and take a few steps with walker. Then uti, pneumonia, another uti, then platelets low from depakote had to be abruptly taken off. More confusion etc with taking meds off. Then potassium bottomed out. So lots happened in next couple of months. Has been relatively cognitive only bad in evenings with sundiwning. Went thru some severe hallucinations and delusions when off depakot thought people were bombing here screaming just heart-rending. Is now some what under control but still has hallucinations. Sundowning terrible I come every day for 5 hours some times he is very agitated and very verbally abusive. Never wants me to leave. I am all by myself sad anxious I am just a mess. So this is my story.
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Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
Welcome to the forum @nancyc.

I’m glad you’ve found this forum. You’ll always find someone here to listen and support you.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Gosh, @nancyc , you and your husband have certainly been through the mill.
Im so sorry to hear about all the ups and downs, but Im glad you have now got him into a good facility. Infections of any sort, but especially UTIs, do horrible things to people with dementia, My OH has recently had a nasty UTI and has had a subsequent downturn.

You are among friends here


New member
Jul 2, 2023
Gosh, @nancyc , you and your husband have certainly been through the mill.
Im so sorry to hear about all the ups and downs, but Im glad you have now got him into a good facility. Infections of any sort, but especially UTIs, do horrible things to people with dementia, My OH has recently had a nasty UTI and has had a subsequent downturn.

You are among friends here
Thank you. Just so sad and cry all the time it all happened so sudden.


New member
Jul 2, 2023
My husbands confusion in the last couple of days has tripled he wants me to help him he is so sad. Had facility call me and he just sz please why don't I help him hexsz he don't know where he is or what to do. I am just crying and crying I just can't control my emotions. If you read where I introduced myself it explains my situation. Please help


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
@nancyc I have briefly read your previous post and from what you have written today it would seem that your husband is still suffering confusion and distress because of the infection. This must be so upsetting for both you and him.
Hopefully with the right medication this confusion will pass but it might take time. Keep in contact with the facility to check what they are doing to help your husband and to discuss his progress.
In the meantime I am sending you {{{{{{hugs}}}}}}