Herald Article


Registered User
Aug 29, 2006
SW Scotland
This is a response to the article flagged by JPG1 here:


I thought my reply would be better in the raising awareness forum.

Things are already happening in this part of the world, and have been for a few years.

1. Care in the Community
The Scottish Executive issued a set of guidelines last year for integrated care pathways for the treatment of all mental health patients. There is a set of generic guidelines, with sections for each disease to be added.

The complete document is here:


(I don't recommend printing it, it's 120 pages!)

The specifics for dementia are here:


Each area of Scotland has to work out it's own pathways, and submit them to the Executive for approval. This is a requirement.

2.Hospitals We are in this area planning a new hospital, which will be dementia-friendly throughout. In the meantime, our proposals are already being introduced in the existing hospital.

Again, this is a requirement.

3.Training Last year we began a course for hospital and community nurses to receive intensive training in dementia, and become dementia champions. (This was mentioned in the article). The course was very successful, and this year will be expanded.

I'm involved in all three aspects, so have a pretty good overall picture. Things are far from perfect, and things do still go wrong. Understaffing is a recurrent problem. But we are improving -- and enthusiastic.

Hopefully this new initiative in England will also develop momentum.