
Taxi John

New member
Jun 15, 2024
Hi all hope your well, my wife’ve anti is suffering from Alzheimer’s and i have know idea how I can help or what help we need. I do the shopping each week, visit 3 or 4 times per week and phone each day. Her husband is 93 had two strokes and is struggling to understand what happening with his wife or what to do. She has three girls, one visits once a week, once visits once a month and the other she doesn't see. She’s at the stage now where she’s packing her bags, not knowing where she lives, wanting to go hone, aggressive in her speech, she wants to go out but changes her mind when asked to go out. She struck her husband today for the first time. Please can you advise what i can do to help. Thank you for any help you give. John.


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
Just to saying it's not gone unread, what to do...just struggle and make it work as you go along, there is no one solution.
Others may have more helpful advise. K


Volunteer Host
Mar 2, 2017
Hi @Taxi John and welcome to Dementia Support Forum our friendly and helpful community. I am sorry to hear about your situation. What you have described sounds unsustainable without further, professional help. A needs assessment and care plan would help to put things into perspective and show how daily carers, respite care or care home admission could make a huge difference. You'll get understanding and support from our members. It may also help to read some of the information produced by the Alzheimer's Society:



Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
Welcome from me too @Taxi John.

I agree that a care needs assessment sounds necessary. This link might help -

It’s worrying that she’s becoming aggressive. I hope you can get some help sorted out.