Help with COP Forms


New member
Mar 1, 2024
Hi all, I'm helping my aunt complete the COP forms so she can apply for deputyship for her son (my cousin). My cousin is unmarried, doesn't own any property and has not significant income. His condition is so severe that he now cannot communicate at all, cannot respond, mostly doesn't even know anybody is in the room with him.

We are completing the COP3 form and question 3.1 asks Please provide details about any practicable steps you know of, which may help the person make their own decision(s).

There are no steps that can be taken at this point, this is a permanent state. Any advice on what to answer for 3.1?

Also, on googling, it seems that people pay for a solicitor to support the deputy application. Is this necessary? We have been quoted £5000 which is just not affordable for us.

Thank you in advance for any help.


Volunteer Host
Apr 1, 2016
Welcome to the forum @laurahstylianou

I haven’t applied for deputyship myself but I know others have been through the process so hopefully someone will be along soon to answer your question.
I would tell them what you have told us - that he cannot communicate at all.

I don’t think you need a solicitor.


Registered User
Dec 31, 2023
Its not necessary to have a solicitor for Deputyship.

Section 3.1 - If they respond to sign language, pictures maybe asking questions at different times of the day ....that could be referenced as a practical step even tho you may not get a response.