Help! I don’t know what on Earth to do….


Registered User
Jun 23, 2020
I have a big problem concerning the care hime my mother is in. Firstly, it is an hour away and I only agreed to her going there from hospital because I was conscious of her being somewhere rather than hospital for Christmas and believed visiting would be possible.

The care manager failed to tell me my mother would be isolated for ten days after arrival, with the two fold effect of her not being able to participate in activities or Christmas or any visits. This, despite me calling to speak on the morning of admission and she even said there would be a Christmas party the following day and I was pleased my mother would be able to participate.

Because we then realised my mother would not be able to see anyone, I posted a gift from my 94 year old father and ensured it arrived several days prior to Christmas. A video call on the afternoon of Christmas Day revealed she hadn’t received the gift so I asked a nurse to try and find it. The following morning, Boxing Day, when I called and spoke to a nurse, she said it was in the office and she would ensure my mother was given it!!!! I was boiling mad and very disappointed for my mother and my father. To think her husband of almost 70 years couldn’t have the pleasure of knowing his wife had been given a gift when she is away from him is utterly devastating.

Added to this, i have found it impossible to speak to anyone regarding my mother, how she is etc. and wasn’t given a point of contact. When I tried To speak to manager I was told by a nurse I didn’t need to bother her and anyone can help me (I was asking to speak to the manager because I wanted a proper low down rather than “she is fine”).

Our planned visit today (after the ten days) has now been cancelled as the manager said they have had to close to visitors. I’m distraught and my father hasn’t seen her for eight weeks and she hasn’t had a visitor for six weeks, due to Covid positive test seven weeks ago and then no bed in another ward, so she remained in a Covid ward for over a month.

The manager won’t even email me with an update, which I have asked for. What shall I do? I fear we can’t visit, can’t speak with anyone and I’m very, very worried about how my mother is being looked after if they can’t even be bothered to give her a gift.


Registered User
Dec 15, 2012


New member
Dec 28, 2021
I just wanted to say that your love and concern for your mom does mean something and I am sure she feels it despite the horrible situation! As soon as you can you should get her out of there. It's clearly badly run with inconsiderate people. I've had to accept in times like these that my mom had a wonderful life for many years. Like your mom she is in a horrible situation but it's not her whole life and it will pass. you are doing your best and probably just need to be patient now (these people are clearly disasters) and don't make yourself sick in the meantime. Very upsetting but try accept and move her. Its sadly, globally, the elderly who suffer.


Registered User
Jun 23, 2020
Hi @JanBWiltshire
Look into stating you or your dad will be essential caregiver

3.1 Care home outbreaks
In the event of an outbreak in a care home, the home should stop indoor visiting (except in exceptional circumstances such as end of life). Essential care givers can continue to visit indoors, but not if the essential care giver or resident they visit are COVID-positive. .
Thank you, that is interesting. What constitutes an essential care giver?


Registered User
Jun 23, 2020
I just wanted to say that your love and concern for your mom does mean something and I am sure she feels it despite the horrible situation! As soon as you can you should get her out of there. It's clearly badly run with inconsiderate people. I've had to accept in times like these that my mom had a wonderful life for many years. Like your mom she is in a horrible situation but it's not her whole life and it will pass. you are doing your best and probably just need to be patient now (these people are clearly disasters) and don't make yourself sick in the meantime. Very upsetting but try accept and move her. Its sadly, globally, the elderly who suffer.
Thank you for your very kind reply.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Hi @JanBWiltshire
Im sorry you are having such a bad time of it all and are so concerned about your mum.
Please bear in mind, though, that we are in the middle of a new wave of covid. Care homes got caught out in the first wave and there were so many deaths that they are now very cautious. I think you will find that 10 days isolation for people who have moved in (especially from hospital) is pretty standard and if you move your mum to a different care home, they will probably want to do the same.

I know from the carers who come to our house that everyone is short staffed because of the many people who are self-isolating, plus it is Christmas and a lot of staff (quite reasonably) want some time off. Although the care agency is usually very good, helpful and will phone people back it is impossible to get through to them at the moment because even the office staff are out making calls. I know that the whole agency is worried about what will happen if one of their staff proves positive. OHs timetable is constantly changing and tomorrow I have no idea who is coming, or what time. I think these are exceptional circumstances. If OHs care agency were like this all the time I would be looking for some other agency, but I know they are not.

Im pretty sure that care homes are going through a very similar problem at the moment and if you move her now you will have to start the isolation period all over again, may not get any improvement and will have unsettled her for nothing. It is obviously very, very early days in the care home for your mum. Id be inclined to wait the isolation period and then try and gauge what is happening, although I know this is very stressful for you.


Registered User
Jun 23, 2020
Hi @JanBWiltshire
Im sorry you are having such a bad time of it all and are so concerned about your mum.
Please bear in mind, though, that we are in the middle of a new wave of covid. Care homes got caught out in the first wave and there were so many deaths that they are now very cautious. I think you will find that 10 days isolation for people who have moved in (especially from hospital) is pretty standard and if you move your mum to a different care home, they will probably want to do the same.

I know from the carers who come to our house that everyone is short staffed because of the many people who are self-isolating, plus it is Christmas and a lot of staff (quite reasonably) want some time off. Although the care agency is usually very good, helpful and will phone people back it is impossible to get through to them at the moment because even the office staff are out making calls. I know that the whole agency is worried about what will happen if one of their staff proves positive. OHs timetable is constantly changing and tomorrow I have no idea who is coming, or what time. I think these are exceptional circumstances. If OHs care agency were like this all the time I would be looking for some other agency, but I know they are not.

Im pretty sure that care homes are going through a very similar problem at the moment and if you move her now you will have to start the isolation period all over again, may not get any improvement and will have unsettled her for nothing. It is obviously very, very early days in the care home for your mum. Id be inclined to wait the isolation period and then try and gauge what is happening, although I know this is very stressful for you.
I agree, moving her wouldn’t be right even though it is my gut instinct to do that - she is there for assessment so it is much better for her that she remains where things are static. I think my main gripe is the fact the gift wasn’t given - it was the only one, so it surely wouldn’t have been a big deal for them as they knew it was arriving and I also mentioned it to them. We shall see what the social worker says when she goes tomorrow. Thank you for your thoughts, much appreciated.