

Registered User
Jul 22, 2013
I am new to TP and have been dipping in and out for a couple of weeks. This is an excellent resource and provides support and social opportunities to share and care.

My partner was diagnosed in March but had clearly been struggling for the last four years. Despite constantly raising concerns the first diagnosis was dysphasia in April last year and it took a crisis (urine and chest infection) which resulted in a hospital admission and then a transfer to an elderly assessment unit.

I could write a book about the experience he had but looking at the positives at least we got a diagnosis of vascular dementia.

My background is social care and health previously working with adults with learning disabilities including complex challenging behahaviours.

However nothing prepares you when dealing with a person that you are emotionally connected to.

This forum provides such a wide range of experiences and creates a feeling of belonging and connection to the new world that is created when caring for a person with dementia or alzheimers.

One of the most valuable things that I find is that it is a place where you can express how you feel without creating any tension for the cared for person. Often any verbal communication can be misunderstood and depending on how G is feeling can raise anxieties.

I am fortunate that G is 19 years older than I am, being younger has been a great help as I am still quite fit and well. G is physically fit for his age being 78 so keeps me on my toes.

Well that is enough of an introduction and I send loads of love & light to you all.


Registered User
Nov 28, 2012
Moved to Leicester
Hi and a BIG WELCOME to TP. Having only joined this year, all I can say is what a warm and valuable group of people are on here day and night to offer comfort and support while we all cope with this dreadful facet of our lives.

How lucky G is to have you to support him, your relative youth and strength will surely carry you both along this difficult journey.

Huge respect and hugs to you x