Hello. So my journey begins 😳 not sure how I feel…


Registered User
Oct 4, 2023
So my dad received his diagnosis today, both Alzheimer’s and vascular dementia. I sort of knew it was coming after sitting though the tests and seeing the subtle changes of the past few years.

Weirdly, I’m sort of happier that a diagnosis has been reached as opposed to more tests and uncertainty. I know I have a hard journey ahead but I am not in uncharted water which is comforting.

My brief scrolls through the seemingly endless heartbreaking stories on this forum, oddly seem to give me comfort. I realise that I am feeling normal feelings which is reassuring.

I am so pleased to know that a supportive community exists and i can not yet imagine the ways I will need to engage with this community, just knowing it’s here seems again to be comforting.


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
Hello @AndyBear and welcome to the Dementia Support Forum. It always comes a a shock when a family member receives a diagnosis of dementia but as you say it can be a relief as well. It does take time to process so I will not bombard you with advice or suggestions.
When you are ready you might consider starting your own thread in the - I care for a person with dementia - forum. There you can ask questions or even just express how you feel.
One last thing, everyone’s dementia journey is different, not everything you read about will happen to each person with dementia. For now, one step at a time.
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Registered User
Oct 4, 2023
Morning @SeaSwallow. Thanks for the reply. I have so many things to think about and consider. I will certainly start a Thread for my journey as you have suggested if need something specific.