Hello, my name is Yvette, I am the Caregiver for my 82 year old mother who has Dementia


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
Well hello and welcome from me, what a lovely name you haveYvette .
We are here to help wherever can, anything can do even if it's just helping you to know you're never alone on here. K


Volunteer Host
Aug 2, 2022
South West UK
Hello Yvette @ysfmother and welcome from me also to this supportive and friendly forum. There is a wealth of shared experience of dementia here so I am glad you have found us.

I am sorry to read about your mother - it's tough being a caregiver for a loved one.
Please do have a good look around the forums and ask any particular questions you may like to. People here really do want to help and most importantly, we all understand. Sometimes it helps just putting things down on here as to how you are feeling - it's a good space to do that, or simply let off a bit of steam when you need to. You will find a listening ear here for sure.
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