Hello my name is Daisy


New member
May 2, 2018
My brother-in-law, who is in his late 70's, was diagnosed with Dementia a while ago. He lives with his wife who is now his main carer and they attend a weekly local memory cafe which has been very useful. We live away from them and try to visit on a semi-regular basis to offer support and a little respite for my sister-in-law. My reason to joining the organisation is to try and obtain as much information/contact points/support groups that I can in order to pass on to my sister-in-law.


Registered User
Jul 23, 2017
N Ireland
Hello @Daisy115, welcome to TP. You have certainly come to the right place as this is a friendly, informative and supportive forum.
Have a good look around the site and don't be afraid to join into discussions or start your own if you have a specific query.
If you click on the light blue box with 'Alzheimer's Society' in the top RH corner of the page you will be taken to a section where you can input a post code for local group info and you will also find links for factsheets etc.


Registered User
Jan 15, 2018
Welcome @Daisy115 . It is lovely to see someone being so supportive. You will find lots of information that, not only can you pass on to your sister in law, but will also help you understand the effects of dementia. Feel free to ask any questions as there will always be someone who can provide an answer or point you in the right direction, and join in any threads as we are a friendly lot.


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
Hi Daisy and welcome yo the forum. I'm sure you'll find lots of help and support here.