

New member
May 27, 2024
I am my husband's carer. He was diagnosed with Alzheimer's two years ago. His mobility is declining, slow shuffling and round shoulders head down. I am smaller than my husband and find dressing him and supporting him when walking difficult. Bathing and changing sheets, pull ups / pads and pyjamas is challenging. He resists my attempts. to change him when wet and has started to push me away forcefully.
Having said that we do some good days.
We go out to sing once a week, meet friends friends friends


Registered User
Jul 23, 2017
N Ireland
Hello and welcome @Highlo

It is hard isn't it. The good days/bad days is par for the course and I take solace in the good days to see me through the bad.

I hope you have time to take a good look around the site as it's a goldmine for information.


Registered User
Oct 3, 2022
Welcome from me too @Highlo

I found people on this forum really supportive when I cared for my mum. She sadly died a year ago, but I'm still on here to support others. If you have anything that you need to say/ask, or even rant about, please keep posting as I'm sure everyone will be happy to help.
S x


Volunteer Host
Mar 25, 2016
Hello @Highlo and welcome to the Forum which is a great place for getting friendly support from people who understand. From what you have posted it does sound as though things are getting more difficult for you both, and you could perhaps do with some extra help at home now to help with the more challenging aspects of your husband's personal care. Sometimes receiving help with washing, dressing etc from a 'professional' carer, rather than a partner or family member, can help to reduce challenging behaviour, so it may be worth thinking about getting some help in. If you haven't already done so, you can contact your local adult social services team to request a care needs assessment for your husband and a carer assessment for you(see link below). Hope this helps, but do keep posting as members here are happy to offer help and advice if they can, you are not on your own here.