Get involved in the Longitude prize on dementia!


Staff Member
Staff member
Sep 26, 2022
What is the Longitude Prize on Dementia?

The Longitude Prize on Dementia is a £4.42 million prize to drive the creation of personalised, technology-based tools that are co-created with people living with the early stages of dementia, helping them live independent, more fulfilled lives. The prize is being delivered in a partnership by the UK’s Alzheimer’s Society and Innovate UK and is delivered by Challenge Works.

Current solutions being developed include:

  • An augmented reality map to prevent people getting lost or confused - The Dorothy Community from Care City (UK)

  • High-tech specs for facial recognition - iMAGIC smart glasses are being developed by Khalifa University (UAE)

  • A virtual speech assistant app to fill in missing words - the interactive AI software from Amicus Brain Innovations (USA)
Read more about the prize and the innovations it supports here: Longitude Prize on Dementia | Alzheimer's Society (

If you have any questions about the Longitude Prize and involvement, you can get in touch with the Innovation team:

Continue reading below to see the different projects competing this year and get involved!


Staff Member
Staff member
Sep 26, 2022
How to get involved

The 24 awardees are currently working on their technologies. Alzheimer’s Society links the awardees to people living with dementia to get feedback as they work through the prize. There are several ways for people with lived experience of dementia to get involved:

Join our fortnightly focus group

The Longitude Prize online focus group, run by Alzheimer’s Society (fortnightly, Tuesdays 2-4pm)

We are looking for people living with dementia and carers to join our focus groups to feed back to innovators on their exciting tech solutions

Each session we are joined by 1 or 2 Longitude Prize semi-finalists who talk through their innovation and ask the focus group questions to help improve their solution

Coming up in the next couple of months we will be hearing about innovations such as:

  • The Dorothy Community Project which uses Augmented Reality (AR) to create a digital “yellow brick road” to support with navigation

  • CUE-D, a machine learning and artificial intelligence device that flags when someone has lost track of a task through behavioural and physiological indicators, then provides the relevant cues to get them back on track.

To join our focus groups, email Carl Quinn,

Mobile app for people living with dementia and their carers, looking for testers

Simon is a mobile application aiming to provide people living with dementia and their carers with more safety, dignity, and autonomy. In its current form, Simon provides a shared calendar for care partners and people living with dementia, as well as a map with geotracking that provides nudges and notifications to both, so they know where they are, where they should be, and what they should be doing on a day-to-day basis.

Simon would like to test this with people living with dementia and their care partners, so that they can gain feedback as to what works, what is most helpful for them in their daily lives. The app requires two users, a care partner and someone with cognitive impairment, and two smart phones, and that's it! To download and test the app, reach out to

Augmented reality glasses looking for in-person testing

CrossSense is an assistive and cognitive aid app, delivered on augmented reality glasses. It has two functions: to help people with their daily tasks at home, and to slow down memory decline through cognitive training. The app has a virtual assistant, who will guide users through tasks and training when wearing the glasses, and adapt the experience to their changing needs over time. The interface enables users to connect and personalise visual, auditory, and spatial inputs from their daily environment, to create more ways to remember things, and so create better memories.

CrossSense are looking for people living with dementia and their carers who want to take part in a series of in-person testing and focus group sessions.

Testing sessions are available in March, April or May, and can take place in our offices in Finsbury Park, London, or we may be able to travel to your home or somewhere familiar if you prefer. If you’d like to know more, reach out to:

Memory Lane Games: Looking for research participants for co-design study

Memory Lane Games are hosting workshops in February and March in City of London. This is a paid opportunity (£75)

Memory Lane Games are developing a "digital reminiscence" platform. This consists of memory games that people living with dementia can play independently or in collaboration with family or friends at home. The games are personalised and the level of difficulty will adapt to be appropriate for the players. The goal is to enable game play that will improve quality of life by triggering positive memories and fostering communications with others.

Memory Lane Games are looking for people (in pairs, one care partner and one person with dementia) to attend an in-person workshop at City, University of London (in Clerkenwell) to test current versions of the game and help to develop new ideas. Each workshop will last 2.5 hours including breaks. Attendees will play the games, feedback their thoughts and discuss ideas for changes to the games. Dates available in March. For more information, contact: Stephanie Wilson

eargym are looking for carers to participate in online focus groups

eargym is the worldʼs first digital hearing fitness platform that empowers anyone with a smartphone to take control of their hearing health, offering fun and immersive training games designed to improve hearing skills. eargym are looking for 3 - 5 individuals who are carers to individuals living with dementia to participate in 1 - 2 online focus groups.

The focus groups will take place online and will last for approximately 1 - 2 hours. The aim of these focus groups is to gather feedback on the design and usability of the hearing screening tool, which is being co-designed with individuals who are living with dementia. Participants will be compensated with £15 per hour in Amazon vouchers. For individuals who are interested in taking part, we kindly request that they get in touch with Madison Tutton at

MarrAssist looking for people with dementia and carers to participate in a survey

MarrAssist is a user-friendly mobile app driven by artificial intelligence, specially designed to assist individuals in the early stages of dementia. The app features a conversational AI chatbot and employs vision AI with an avatar-assisted augmented reality to monitor and guide users.

As part of their research titled "Large Language Models for Dementia Care and Research: Prospects and Challenges”, individuals with dementia or their caregivers are invited to participate in a survey consisting of 32 questions, taking approximately 20-30 minutes to complete. Participants’ valuable insights will contribute to enhancing AI technologies for dementia care.

As a token of appreciation, participants have the chance to win a £100 Visa gift card in the lucky draw at the conclusion of the survey. Survey Link:

If you have any questions about the Longitude Prize and involvement, you can get in touch with the Innovation team: