First time posting


New member
Apr 17, 2024
I’m new to all this. My husband was diagnosed with early on set at 52 and is 59 now and had been unable to work.

I don’t know if this is the place, but in looking for somewhere I can complain and vent my frustrations. Maybe get some ideas on how to help him.

He can’t do any of the simple things. Can’t make coffee, ask him to get a glass of water and walks in the kitchen and comes back with nothing. Can ask him to hand you something that is right in front if you, and he doesn’t see it!

I’ve retired early to be with him,


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
Hello and welcome, rant away all you want, we've all been there at some time or another, feel free.
My situation is similar to yours but my wife got the early onset AZ not me, somehow I've been posting on here for over 10 years now time flies when you're having fun.
My mantra has always been you have to learn to live in their world when they can't live in ours. Take care. K