Finally got an appointment


Registered User
Jan 25, 2023
After Mum’s referral on 6th June 23 by the GP, we finally have an appointment - 10th May. Nearly 52 weeks but not quite!
Apparently all over 90s have to be seen in their home (is this true?). I can’t believe it’s finally here but I am now wondering if a home visit is going to achieve anything? She is in Peterborough for reference.


Registered User
Jun 19, 2022
My mum was seen at home. The memory clinic came out, filled forms in, and did some tests with her, then later sent her for a scan, and eventually diagnosed her, so it all worked fine. It would be beneficial, I think, if you are there with her for the appointment. Good luck.


Registered User
Oct 23, 2023
After Mum’s referral on 6th June 23 by the GP, we finally have an appointment - 10th May. Nearly 52 weeks but not quite!
Apparently all over 90s have to be seen in their home (is this true?). I can’t believe it’s finally here but I am now wondering if a home visit is going to achieve anything? She is in Peterborough for reference.

I have no experience of home visits for memory but I would suggest if you can be there, it would be beneficial to add anything you might want to ask. I made a few notes on my phone to remind me what to ask.

What does a diagnosis achieve? I feel and this may be just me but nothing changes EXCEPT that sometimes there can be medication and I felt a sense of relief in some ways as it was the first time anyone professional had written anything down to confirm what our family had known for some years . It has helped formulate care plans as well.

Sending a cyber hug. A year is a long time.


Registered User
Jan 25, 2023

I have no experience of home visits for memory but I would suggest if you can be there, it would be beneficial to add anything you might want to ask. I made a few notes on my phone to remind me what to ask.

What does a diagnosis achieve? I feel and this may be just me but nothing changes EXCEPT that sometimes there can be medication and I felt a sense of relief in some ways as it was the first time anyone professional had written anything down to confirm what our family had known for some years . It has helped formulate care plans as well.

Sending a cyber hug. A year is a long time.
Thanks - I’ll definitely be there - her hostess mode is off the charts!
Because she has deteriorated so much, she is already in a care home so I’m not really sure what it will achieve. I think medication to stop things deteriorating quickly has already passed.
GP says she needs a diagnosis to help with funding in the future. She only scored 1/10 a year ago on the GP screening test - so with her deterioration I’m not expecting much.


Registered User
Oct 23, 2023
Thanks - I’ll definitely be there - her hostess mode is off the charts!
Because she has deteriorated so much, she is already in a care home so I’m not really sure what it will achieve. I think medication to stop things deteriorating quickly has already passed.
GP says she needs a diagnosis to help with funding in the future. She only scored 1/10 a year ago on the GP screening test - so with her deterioration I’m not expecting much.
💗 I know what you mean our PWD received a diagnosis after more than a year after moving into residential care, although we had been caring for four or five years before this point now.

One of us was always there for any appointments, perhaps it will help future care plans for your mum, that is how I try and think about my loved one. Medication - hard to tell if it has slowed the illness with our loved one, we still see the illness is in progression and no real change we can see.


Registered User
Jun 18, 2022
My mum was seen at home. She had been in and out of hospital so they used that data too. Scans etc
I was there.
Asked to go into another room so specific tests which I was happy with.
They did also use my info for a lot of the diagnosis too


Registered User
Jan 22, 2024
Hi Stressed daughter, Goodness! How long a time to wait! A year! Eek!
In my situation, I am unsure if GP has referred my mother to the Memory clinic. I am accompanying my mother to her next GP appointment. At the previous GP appointment in December 2023 a 6 point Memory test was done, I think it was the 6CIT. I would have scored her as a fail but I am not a GP. I am assuming a second Memory test will be done at the next GP appointment scheduled for 4 months after the previous GP appointment but I could be wrong. I’ll aim to post an update to you and all the lovely, informative and caring folk who are on this forum.


Registered User
Jan 25, 2023
Hi Stressed daughter, Goodness! How long a time to wait! A year! Eek!
In my situation, I am unsure if GP has referred my mother to the Memory clinic. I am accompanying my mother to her next GP appointment. At the previous GP appointment in December 2023 a 6 point Memory test was done, I think it was the 6CIT. I would have scored her as a fail but I am not a GP. I am assuming a second Memory test will be done at the next GP appointment scheduled for 4 months after the previous GP appointment but I could be wrong. I’ll aim to post an update to you and all the lovely, informative and caring folk who are on this forum.
I see today’s news re blood tests. Cynically I would say they can’t cope with numbers now so how can they cope with more …


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
I see today’s news re blood tests. Cynically I would say they can’t cope with numbers now so how can they cope with more …
A blood test is quicker than two cognitive tests and a couple of scans. And .. a lot cheaper if they work! Maybe wil help cut memory clinic waiting times.