Falling forward


Registered User
My husband has advanced alzheimers. He had pnuemonia and was in hospital last week. First day home he walked now he cant sit up keeps leaning forward and cant stand.has something happened? Weve been married 46.8 years .i take care of him .i scream also.


Registered User
Hello Annie, welcome to Talking point, sounds like you want some much needed help, if you are on your own you must contact your GP for a referral to Social Services, they will arrange day care, or carer's to help you.
If you haven't got Attendance allowance, you can apply for that, it will help with day care, also you will get discount on your council tax. I am sure you feel like screaming, you will get lots of help and advice here, well done for finding us.


Registered User
Hello and welcome to Talking Point

Any infection can advance the progression of Alzheimers and pneumonia can really take it out of people with dementia (PWD). If there is no remaining infection now then I would guess this is what happened.

Perhaps now would be a good time to ask for a needs assessment for him and a carers assessment for you to see if there is anymore help that you can get.


Registered User
Hi Annie, and welcome to Talking Point. :) I'm so sorry you are going through such a hard time, and as others have said, you need help, and you need it now. "I scream too". It's no wonder. :(

When my husband reached the Advanced stage, he couldn't stand, without help either side of him, and pneumonia must have knocked your hubby for 6.


Registered User
I agree with the others, Annie. Sounds like the pneumonia sent him on a downward spiral. He needs to be reevaluated ASAP and admitted somewhere where he can get safe and total care.

My husband began going down that spiral after a severe gall bladder infection and 8 days in the hospital. He started with leaning to the right, even in his recliner. That progressed to increased difficulty walking. Then pushing his walker way too far in front of him so his feet couldn't keep up. I to be with him almost every minute. Next came the early morning falls. Now he can not even sit on the edge of a bed without falling backwards. Forget about walking. It took three people to just get him into a recliner at the care home where he has been for the past two weeks.

Maybe your husband will get a bit better. Maybe not. But he needs more help and care at this point than you can safely provide. By that I mean safely for both you and your husband. It is very hard for one person to care for a person who is bedridden.


Registered User
Hi Annie

You're from Georgia (USA?) and most of us are from the UK - you'll probably need to "translate" what we suggest into approaches that work within your local context.

In the UK, if someone had come home from hospital mobile but was now much less mobile then we'd ask the GP (the primary healthcare doctor, not a hospital doctor) to make a home visit urgently. Is that a practical idea for you please?


Registered User
Annie, it's been four days since your original post. How is your husband?

AlsoConfused, here in the US it is almost impossible to get a physician to make a home visit (house call). We usually go to the emergency room of the closest hospital or call 911 for an ambulance to take the person to the ER in an emergency. Before he went to the Hospice Solace Center my husband was enrolled in our Hospice Home Care program so our hospice doctor, nurses, nursing assistants, social worker, etc., all came to our home. But that is a special program.


Registered User
My husband has advanced alzheimers. He had pnuemonia and was in hospital last week. First day home he walked now he cant sit up keeps leaning forward and cant stand.has something happened? Weve been married 46.8 years .i take care of him .i scream also.

my hubby did that after medication change so ask doctors re this . good luck and hope he improves.