early diagnosis


Registered User
May 10, 2014

I am 51 years old and have presented to my GP a I am really concerned about my memory and general organisational skills. I have a family history of early onset with one of my aunts dieing at 60. my mother is now suffering and has been for the last 10 years again presenting in her 60. I have had a a brain scan that has identified reduced temporal lobe activity. I would like to know how I can look into the probability of this being linked to altzeimer's by exploring genetics / anaploid E4 but they are telling me they do not do this in my post code area. Can anyone tell me how / who I can contact to talk this through If I do have or am at high risk of early onset then I would like to be proactive in helping those looking at this dreadful process. perhaps some way I can be helpful in following a younger person through their
journey? Thank you to anyone who feels they can point me in the right direction.:)