

New member
Apr 14, 2024
Mum was moved from hospital to a nursing home. She spent two weeks in the home and declined rapidly, I requested a move to our local hospice but the nursing home’s GP and manager were reluctant. I persevered and as Mum had been assigned a social worker when discharged to assess from hospital, I contacted her, she was really good and helped fast track Mum. She contacted the manager at the nursing home and the nurse in charge completed a fast track request and Mum came home with carers four times a day. The district nurse and community nurse visited and mentioned the hospice, I did a self referral online and the hospice attended Mum at home the same day. Mum passed away in her own home and had so much care in her final days I will be forever grateful. It was a very stressful time and in hindsight perhaps I should have done the hospice self referral earlier. Even when Mum came home the district nurse said she could still be moved to the hospice but as a family we were happy for her to be cared for at home.


Registered User
Aug 29, 2023
mum sleeping so much more now I have just left her very soundly asleep.
so sorry for your loss but her passing sounds so peaceful I fervently want that for mum.
Thank you for sharing .


New member
Apr 14, 2024
mum sleeping so much more now I have just left her very soundly asleep.
so sorry for your loss but her passing sounds so peaceful I fervently want that for mum.
Thank you for sharing .
Thinking of you, take care of yourself too.


Registered User
Aug 29, 2023
Im pretty much spent, I have not been able to go back to work as I live 3 hrs away, I am paralysed by regret and guilt, maybes and ifs maybe would have made no difference.
It all happened so suddenly we thought we had more time but I am holding it together enough to be with her as much as I can atm . It helps talking on here thank you all.


Registered User
Aug 9, 2021
I think guilt and regret is part of the grief process. Try to be easier on yourself. We all make what seem to us, with the information we have available st the time, the best decisions we can. We can do no more. Try to concentrate on the good memories, the things you are grateful to your Mum for. Hoping today is a more peaceful day for you.